What Happened in Vegas… Changes Everything! (2013 edition)

by admin on September 12, 2013

“Experts Shared Their BEST Money-Getting Secrets At The 2013 Earn1KADay Seminar… Jaws DROPPED… And Top Strategies Were Revealed!”

This is YOUR Chance To Read All About It!

Dear Friend:

On July 12-14, 2013, several dozen Internet marketers traveled to Las Vegas, Nevada. They came from near and far, by car, plane and bus – not to win a fortune in the casinos, but to learn life changing information in a closed hotel conference room.

Attendees went home with a virtual treasure chest of ideas, mind state makeovers, ah ha moments, and a vow to return again next year, not just asking, but DEMANDING, for the event to be held again next year.

The information that speakers shared was UNBELIEVABLE. People laid out their entire business plans, freely shared their best tips, and gave out $100K+ idea after actionable idea.

Here’s just some of what people shared:

Leading off the first day, Wilson Mattos talked about “Why You Will Fail Trying to Make Money Online… and How to Succeed”.

Wilson Mattos, co-founder and Chief Operating Officer at Rapid Crush, Inc. has built a business from $0 to a projected $4.5 million in revenue per year in less than 36 months. In this thought provoking presentation, Wil shared why most Internet Marketers fail… and what you can to to succeed.

He shared specific, actionable items, tools, and processes that you can implement in your business immediately (a.k.a NOW) to help your business grow. These are the same processes and tools he uses to manage Rapid Crush, Inc.


Next, Barbara Ling talked about “How to transition from PUSH Marketing to PULL Marketing”.

Have you noticed how the promotional marketing emails deck is now more stacked against us than the World Poker Championships? Google Mail now throws our promotions into our customer’s sad whimpering “Never Venture Here! (aka Promotions folder)”, giving us yet another hurdle for our continued online marketing growth.

Barb talked about how to take advantage of that and move from traditional PUSH (promotional) marketing to PULL marketing (where your customer proactively seeks *you* out). After all, she’s already done it herself with her dynamic branding and group, http://PerkingUpProfits.com… and now it’s your time as well.


Connie Ragen Green was next. I’ve known Connie for about 3 years, and marvel at the way she’s able to build relationships with her email lists and JV partners. She shared some of her secrets in her presentation titled “Taking Your Business to the Next Level”.

There are many “one hit wonders” in Internet marketing, but if you’re building a sustainable business, you need to know what to do after you have the basics in place and need more ideas and strategies on monetizing your niche and more. Connie provided insight into that topic.



During the Friday mastermind sessions and at the Friday evening meet and greet (not recorded, of course, at least some of “what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas” applied to this event), I talked to Chris Miyamoto, who runs a local meetup group in his home town of Santa Clarita, California, and learned that the group was unbelievably large and successful. I asked him if he’d be willing to talk about how he was able to do this when groups in much larger cities are far less successful, so he agreed to share his experience and methods with the audience.

His informal talk has already resulted in several attendees taking action to start their own local groups, I’ve learned.


Jason Fladlien led off Saturday afternoon by giving a presentation titled “How to Innovate to Easily Solve Problems and Create Breakthrough Profits”.

Jason walked us step by step through his system on how you can specifically innovate to create new found sources of traffic, to boost conversions to insane levels and to take over the world… or at least a small part of it!

I particularly enjoyed what he said about those who like to encourage others to “think outside the box”, and why he doesn’t necessarily agree with that concept, and how it opens up a vast array of opportunities for him and his company.


Nicole Dean was next. I was sitting up in my chair paying full attention because I too wanted to learn about her topic “How to Get Your Competition to Happily Promote You”.

Nicole describes herself as “the Mostly-Sane Marketer” with a mission “To Make the Web and the World a Better Place – and, Hopefully Have a Lot of Fun While Doing It”.

She definitely seems to be having a lot of fun and had the audience laughing with her all the time. Her presentation was basically this… Whether you’re an introvert or extrovert, it can feel like pulling teeth (or worse) to try to get others to promote your awesome new offers. Find out how to get your most successful competitors to happily promote you over and over again – without selling your soul to do it.


Closing out the first day was Don Wilson, giving a fast paced presentation titled “Profits From Facebook, Funnels, Kindle, and More (oh my!)”.

Among other things, Don taught us how he picks niches, then runs traffic to them, builds a list with that traffic, turns that traffic into sales, up-sells, and even high-ticket sales from the ground up; How to generate laser-targeted and dirt cheap traffic from FB ads; How to make 4 times the amount of money on the OTO than the front end product does… in any market; How volume sales funnels work in markets OUTSIDE of internet marketing; Becoming a best selling author solely off of FB traffic.

A common comment after Don’s presentation was about how he gave so much good information in such a short period of time, that people were anxious to get the recordings so that they could watch again several times.

Since the seminar, Don has come out with a mind blowing, best selling product “FB Ads Cracked” and has established once and for all that he’s the go go guy to seek out if you want to make money on Facebook. Some of what he teaches in his high priced course is included in this presentation.


The second day of the 2013 Earn1KaDay seminar opened with a bang with Justin Popovic, who awed the audience with his topic “Entrepreneur’s Mindset – Which version of YOU is showing up?”.

I’ve known Justin as a friend, colleague, and trusted marketer for at least a couple years now, and was thrilled when he accepted my request to be the keynote speaker for the second day, because I knew that he had planned a family trip across Canada this summer, and he was gracious enough to work in the appearance for us before it began.

When your livelihood depends on the success of your business, you have no choice but to bring your “A” game. Justin discussed how to bring out the best in yourself so that excellence becomes a part of who you are… and as a result, your business will produce excellent results.


Jeremy Ginn was next, with an inspirational presentation titled “Do I Believe? Why Your Answer Changes Everything”.

Over much of the last year, Jeremy has been conducting interviews with dozens of the top Internet marketers on the planet. He shared some insights into what he’s learned as well as his own life’s journey with the audience, and I think it’s a fairly accurate statement that his talk was so moving that there was probably not a dry eye in sight.

Far too many people are driven by fear and self doubt which has a paralyzing effect causing inaction, discouragement and self-defeat. Jeremy challenged us to redirect our focus to the critical question that will transform both life and business.


To cap off the morning’s announced activities, David Perdew, founder and chief architect of NAMS, spoke about “6 Steps to Implementing Big Ideas”.

The initial premise of the talk was this: Not all big businesses start as big ideas.

For example, Facebook was a tiny concept to accomplish one thing for students on one campus; Microsoft started as a small company that built a simple operating system that no one would buy.

David feels that how you treat your idea and respond to market feedback determines how your business grows. He has built a 20,000 page site on business training that astonishes members in just 2 years. Focusing on the concepts of Team, Training, and Tools, the NAMS system grew from a simple customer need.

The growth followed a simple 6 step system that has been used forever by major corporations and successful mom and pop shops. Using these 6 steps is the difference between major success and catastrophic failure.

David revealed the six steps and how you can use them in your business – and all aspects of your life to ensure success before you start.



During the first two days of the conference, I had the pleasure of talking with Zane Miller, one of the top experts on Google Hangouts, who was attending. I was familiar with the exceptional product that he created “Tube Method” and was very pleasantly surprised and gratified when he asked me if I would like to work in a time slot for him to show a demonstration of Google Hangouts live from the seminar stage.

Faced with an already full schedule, I decided to cut short some of my own remarks that morning and squeeze the breath out of the breaks, giving about 30 minutes for Zane to show his totally unscripted magic.

The result was nothing short of amazing, and I could hear the people in the audience talking about the possibilities that hangout presentations opens up in their business. There were so many questions and comments after the demonstration that we had to delay and shorten the lunch break, but nobody minded at all.

This Google Hangout demonstration, which will enable you to get quickly started for no cost, is also included in the seminar recordings that you’ll receive.


I knew we needed a powerful speaker to open up the afternoon sessions on Sunday. People would be exhausted, and lunchtime has a way of making the body want to take a little nap. So I called on someone I knew would command and hold attention, Dr. Ben Adkins. His presentation was titled “Facebook Retargeting: The Hidden Facebook Goldmine”.

Dr Ben pulled back the curtain and showed the ins and outs of one of his Facebook Based Sales Funnels and how he uses it to make sales every day without the need for affiliates and without the need to break the bank in ad cost.

We learned about: Facebook retargeting loops: what they are and how to set them up for insane return on investment; the Importance of having a funnel and not a 1 step sales process; the simple technique that adds another 5-10k to every sale he runs; the autoresponder sequence that makes him a fortune, everyday, on autopilot.

Although virtually every presentation at the conference had amazing actionable information, when informally polling attendees afterwards, at the top of a majority of the lists was this specific tactic.


The last scheduled presentation was from Gene Pimentel. This was Gene’s 4th time speaking at Earn1KaDay conferences, and invariably attendees (and those who invest in the recordings) tell me that his instruction was a highlight, giving them steps that they can take immediately (a.k.a. right away) to earn income. Gene’s presentation this year was titled “Simple Domain Profits”.

In his usual style, Gene gave us a solid, actionable method for turning simple, hand-registered domain names into a job replacing income with as little as one hour a day. Forget about search engines. Forget about driving traffic. Forget about all the tedious backlink building. Gene’s remarkable brand new plan could allow anybody with basic skills and limited time to enjoy fantastic profits from simple domain names.


And… even though that was the end of the scheduled agenda, dare we say…



I know that the paid attendees at our annual seminars contain all star marketers, in addition to the speakers, and this year yielded a bounty of them. I’ve already told you about two others who volunteered to get on stage to speak informally.

During Friday’s mastermind sessions, Chaz Key, who I had never met before, gave tips about how he gets top search engine rankings easily. I also was fortunate to be seated next to him at lunch on Friday and he told me how he was able to get a site ranked highly enough to get it noticed by a competitor that was willing to pay him $68,000 for a domain he owned.

So when Chaz told me he had a slide presentation on his laptop and could give a presentation about “Simple SEO Techniques” if I found time for it, I asked everyone if they would be willing to stay later on Sunday to hear it, and … of course they were willing.

To be honest, I don’t think anyone wanted the weekend to end. :-)

Chaz did a demonstration by taking a previously unsubmitted blog post, submitting it live on camera, then discussed the steps he takes to get sites ranked on page one quickly, and before he was done the post he submitted was already on page one of Google.


And that was that…

If You Couldn’t Make It,
There’s Some Good News…

When I planned the seminar, I knew not everyone who WANTED to attend would be able to, that’s just a fact of life. Some live too far away, can’t afford the travel expenses, have families that they can’t leave behind, a job that they can’t abandon, and many other reasons.

That’s why I brought in a professional videographer so that these “secrets” could be preserved for posterity.

And that’s good for those who love to watch videos, but I went one step further, because I know that video watching isn’t the favorite way for some people to get the most out of information like this.

I hired another professional to come to the event, take notes, soak up the atmosphere, and then go back home and go through each of the videos not only transcribing them verbatim, but transcribing them and putting everything in context so that they can be easily followed and understood.

What resulted was…

What Happened in Vegas… Changes Everything! (2013 Edition)


Now you can enjoy and profit from the same information presented on stage at the Earn1KaDay 2013 Seminar. Or if you were fortunate enough to be there with us, you can refresh your memory about the amazing weekend.

Here’s the thing: this information is INCREDIBLE. In my business I buy a LOT of products, WSO’s, and am enrolled in expensive masterminds. I’m constantly learning. And I SWEAR to you that I learned better tips here than I have from anything else in a VERY long time. All this from spending 2 days in a closed conference room, hearing what you can now hear from the comfort of your home or office.

And even if you were there, you probably realize that your mind absolutely exploded from the continual bombardment of idea after idea, to the point that you really would love to watch and listen again, because you know that either you missed something, or you forgot too much already.

I’ve often said that a single “ah ha” moment can be worth a fortune, can change a life, can turn failure into success. I consider myself experienced in this field, but I had more than a couple of those moments that weekend.

When you order the “Earn1KaDay 2013 Seminar Book”, you’ll be able to read everything that went on, from the first session to the last, in the comfort of your chair in front of your computer. You’ll be able to print out selected chapters if you like, highlight and take notes, whatever you want.

You’ll also receive copies of all the PowerPoint presentations from each speaker so you can see everything that the attendees saw.

The goal, change that, the promise of the Earn1KaDay 2013 Seminar was to change lives by providing attendees with ideas, knowledge, and motivation to make 2013 a launching pad for the rest of their Internet marketing careers.

We know from the feedback and testimonials that we received during and after the event that we succeeded with that promise.

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