The Webinar Funnel

by admin on May 16, 2016

How To Make A GOOD Webinar GREAT… Without EVER Touching It

… Or Little Strategic “Levers” You Can Tweak To Maximize Your Webinar Profits

Hi, Dennis Becker here and if you’re already creating webinars with the explicit goal to sell and profit… you’re going to love what I have for you here today.

Here’s why. I have irrefutable proof… that these simple tweaks that you’re about to discover may put a lot of money in your pocket.

… And even better, you’re not going to have to touch your webinar at all. Instead, you’re going to focus on what happens before and after the webinar…

… Because That’s Where Either…
Or Fortunes Are Made!

This is very important… so bear with me.

Now, you could be the best webinar presenter in the whole world. However… if nobody knows your webinar exists… you’re still not going to see any sales.

But it’s much much more complicated than just letting someone know they should come to your webinar.

Literally hundreds of little things have to happen just right for someone to come to your webinar… to watch it, absorb it… and ultimately, purchase what you’re selling.

It’s The Little Things…

… And all together, these things make up your webinar funnel.

You can divide it up into roughly two equally important parts.

Part #1 is your email schedule and the actual emails you send out to your lists. There’s a certain proven pattern that I’m going to talk about in just a minute that works better than anything.

Part #2 consists of all the web properties – like thank you pages, landing pages, sign up pages, and so on. And just like with emails, there’s a ton of proven patterns that work better than others on those pages.

Now here’s my point.

If there are proven patterns that work better than others in every part of your webinar funnel…

… You could spend a lot of time and money trying to stumble upon them.

On the other hand… you could just TAKE them from someone who has mastered them… and made millions of dollars of sales using them. I’ll explain more in just a minute… but first, consider this.

“Hidden In Plain Sight” Levers

The thing that almost everyone misses is that 99% of your funnel is probably just fine. To get the results you dream of…

… All you need is to strategically tweak little “hidden in plain sight” levers to maximize your conversions.

(And by the way, it doesn’t matter whether “maximizing conversions” in your case would mean making the first sale… or going from $50,000 to $200,000. It works in every single situation I’ve come across.)

And here’s someone who has mastered these levers better than anyone.

The $32,895,819 Touch…

Meet Jason Fladlien. What he has accomplished over just a few short years is nothing short of amazing. To date, a company he founded together with his business partner Wilson Mattos, Rapid Crush, Inc., has generated well in excess of $32 millions of dollars online.

Close to 99.9% of this income has been generated with webinars. And while Jason is very good as a presenter – probably one of the best there is…

There’s something more important at play…

This is not obvious, but…

… A lot of that success can be attributed to very simple, key tweaks to what happens before and after his webinars.

Remember the little levers hiding in plain sight we just talked about? Well that’s exactly what’s at play here.

… And now, for the first time ever, Jason has put together a complete explanation of those important little levers… along with real world case studies that will let you see at a glance how each of these concepts can be applied to your funnels.

So it is with great pleasure I introduce to you…


As you’ll immediately notice when you first access The Webinar Funnel, it is filled to the brim with real world, battle-proven, specific insights on how to maximize your webinar conversions… by tweaking tiny little critical “levers” (that are hiding in plain sight) on your webinar funnel.

How powerful is this information? Well, I can promise you this.

Pick any of the videos. Watch it for a few minutes… and you’ll experience an ah-ha moment. Specifically, you’ll get immediate clarity on how to improve your webinar funnel for more conversions… and more profit.

Plus… since Jason’s approach to teaching is multilayered, you’ll discover new stuff every time you watch the video – be it for the first, second, or 11th time.

Here’s what you’re going to discover…

  • The “simple” 9 step process that has to work flawlessly every time for a sale to happen (… and yet, most marketers settle with it working 1 time out of a 100…) – and how to identify & improve critical “breakage” points that will dramatically change your results
  • Why treating the above 9 step process as a single entity is a mistake that will cost you a lot of time and energy… and how to, instead, work on this process gradually, without ever experiencing overwhelm
  • How to LOSE most of your sales by not saying one specific thing often enough (you’ll be amazed about what happens when you fix this simple mistake!)
  • The twisted little secret (that persuasion psychologists swear by) that lets you improve conversions without ever getting better at pitching…

Exciting, right?

Thing is… Above, I’ve only covered some of the things you’re about to discover in video #2 of The Webinar Funnel. There’s much more – you’ll see how value-packed this training is when you start watching the videos.

Here’s what else is waiting for you inside…

  • Why EPCs, dollars per attendee, and even conversion rates don’t matter one bit when you’re measuring the success of your webinar campaign (… yet, most marketers cling to these metrics with their dear lives!) – and what you should measure instead to ensure the success of your webinar campaign
  • The one profit-boosting thing that Jason got called STUPID for (and now, the same people who did that swear by this technique!) – and how to implement it in your own campaigns
  • A complete overview of the little “levers” responsible for big profits – where to find them, how does every single one of them fit into the big picture and more!
  • A bird’s eye view on how to construct your entire webinar funnel that seamlessly guides your potential customer from not knowing your webinar exists to hopefully purchasing from you

Your Email Strategy…

Let’s get down to nitty gritty, specific detail about what makes a great webinar funnel actually tick.

There are two, equally important, parts when it comes to building the actual funnel.

The first part is your email strategy. And if you’ve ever wondered about things like how often should you mail… what should you mail… what makes people open, read, and act upon your emails…

… You’re in luck. Because you’re about to discover all that and more. Check this out…

  • A day-by-day breakdown on how should your mailing schedule look for your webinar promotion… and where exactly is the fine line between annoying your list and reaching the maximum number of potential buyers
  • 5 insider email writing techniques specifically tailored to webinar promotions that will dramatically boost your email open and read rates (The best part is… your competition will be ignoring these super powerful techniques for years to come!)
  • How to maximize webinar show rate… using a handful of clever approaches in the emails you send to your list before the webinar anyway! Pick and choose one or several of these proven tricks…
  • How to cleverly leverage a webinar service provider like GotoWebinar for extra emailing power… while avoiding simple, profit-killing mistakes most marketers make

You’ll find much more than this on emailing for your webinar promo when you access the course.

Bottom line is, when it comes to emails, you’re getting specific advice that’s proven by years of experience and tens of millions of dollars in sales.

That’s not it…

Web Funnel, Step By Step…

The other part of a successful webinar funnel is the web pages – like sign up page, thank you page, follow up page, webinar landing page, replay page and much more.

Which is why in The Webinar Funnel, you’re going to discover specifically how to tweak every single one of these pages for maximum profits.

You’re going to discover things like…

  • How to tweak webinar signup page – what’s the one approach 99% of the marketers are using you should absolutely avoid… what to always include on the signup page… what kind of copy you should use sparingly… and more
  • How to tweak the thank you page – while your competition is more than likely to skimp on this page… all you really need to do is to implement one of the following tricks to dramatically boost the response to your webinar
  • How to tweak the webinar landing page – probably the most important page there is, you don’t need to overdo it – it will cost you a lot of conversions. Instead, here’s what you do… step by step
  • How to tweak the webinar replay page – discover the one thing that will always cost you sales… how to optimize your video… and how to increase conversions on your replay and much more

Obviously, these are just a few things you’re going to discover about tweaking the most important pages on your funnel.

There’s much, much, MUCH more information waiting for you when you start watching the videos inside The Webinar Funnel.

Even better (and probably, most important)…

Real World Case Studies!

The most valuable thing about this training definitely is that you’re not just given generic concepts and left on your own to figure out the implementation.


Each and every single concept, tip, technique is supported by a real world example that’s been often proven through millions and millions of dollars in sales in one of the toughest niches online.

Here’s why this is a no-brainer…

Almost Insane?

You’ll love this. Normally, to get hot, battlefield tested insider training like The Webinar Funnel from someone like Jason… along with specific implementation advice… you’d be looking at an investment of at least $499.95.

… And I can guarantee you this. Most savvy marketers would invest that… and possibly more… without even batting an eye. Why? Because they know that information like this will pay dividends over and over again.

However – and this is almost insane – today you’re not investing anywhere NEAR $499.95.

Or $249.95. Or $99.95. Or even as little as $49.95.

… Instead, for reasons I’m about to reveal, your investment today is just $29.95!

Here’s Why I’m Practically Giving This Away…

Now here’s where it gets interesting. Why would I practically give away something like this for $29.95 if I could easily charge $499.95 for it?

That’s a great question… and to answer that, I’m going to share my strategic vision. See… I want for as many people as possible to get their hands on this… simply because I want to get my name out there as a provider of massive value.

… And if I keep on overdelivering in the future, I will be able to serve my customers better than others… and get paid accordingly. Simple as that!

It gets better though.

Better Than Free?

If you so much as implemented one tiny, tiny change suggested in the course on your webinar landing page, replay page, emails, or wherever… and increase your conversions by 1%… wouldn’t you agree this course would pay for itself in spades over time?

What if you implemented 2 ideas from the course? What about 10… 20… 50… out of hundreds of ideas you’ll find inside?

You’d see a massive increase in your conversions… and, for most businesses, that would mean a lot more money in your pocket.

Other Options…

One such option is to do nothing and just keep on doing what you’re doing and keep getting the results you’re getting. If that’s fine with you, it’s fine with me!

Another option is to try and figure out this stuff on your own.

It is possible, I won’t deny it. However… having someone who has tested their funnels with millions and millions of dollars of sales SHOW you where the culprits are, what matters and what doesn’t… can save you years of time and millions in lost revenue.

Which is why I’m confident you’re going to make the right choice today and grab The Webinar Funnel.

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