The 30 Day Marketing Plan

by Dennis Becker on November 5, 2013

This is my latest book.  I hope you like it

What the most successful marketers have that you don’t have…

“Get More Done In 30 Days Than You Did All Year…”

Marketing Success In Under a Month

Dear Friend,

You’re frustrated… you work hard every day, but you have little to show for it. Your business is at a stand still, your income hasn’t increased, and you have a pile of unfinished projects lying around.

How Can You Work So Hard Without Getting Anything In Return?

You might be hanging your head in shame right now because the answer is clear to you. Sure you sit at your computer or pound the pavement “working” — but you know you’re not as productive as you should be.

You start your day with some resistance at 9 am and accomplish little by the time 5 pm rolls around. You scramble to stay up late to get at least enough done to squeak by, but something has to give.

Something Big Needs To Change…

You’re not the only one this happens to— they’ve done studies on the productivity of some of the most successful and highest paid executives in the world— sure they have a “full work day” but they only spend minutes per day actually getting anything done. It’s sad and wasteful… it’s also not fair.

It’s especially hard if you work for yourself. There are a million and one distractions. There are so many things you’d rather be doing. There are so many things standing in the way of success.

You look at what you accomplished in the last year and you’re angry. Why can’t you do better? Why can’t you do more?

You have so many hopes and dreams. You envy the people who seem to get so much done in such a small period of time.

the sad news, but also the encourage news is that…

Many Successful People Work Way Less Than You…

You look at the people who started marketing at the same time as you, but they’re earning so much more. They have so much more respect… yet, they don’t work any harder. What’s their secret?

I’ve become fairly known for my marketing strategies of starting small and working your way up to something bigger. It’s very easy to earn more and do better when you complete small projects that stack up over time.

But, I know so many people who need to do better right now. You have the business models you need. You have the tools you need. You have the ideas you need.  You just can’t seem to put one foot in front of the other, and you can’t wait.

You Can’t Wait For Success- You Need It NOW

I also know there are many people who do things the opposite way from the “slow and steady wins the race” method I usually recommend. And many people need something that will work right now. Luckily… I’ve discovered their secrets.

There are people who get a great, profitable idea in mind. Get it done extremely quickly… and it’s phenomenal. They create better stuff and make more money than people who stew over their projects for years.

From those successes, they earn money, they get respect from their peers and affiliates, they build their email subscriber lists.  They seeming have it all!

What’s their secret?

Why can some people get so much done in a couple of days when it would take you several weeks to get it done?

It’s not like they’re producing junk… they often have the best stuff on the market.

Imagine how much more you could earn if you were one of those quick working, fast output, highly innovative people.

Innovate and Produce Better And Faster To Boost Your Income

You want to know a secret?

Those people aren’t better, smarter, or even inherently faster than you. They just have the right methods. They can look at a problem, cut the clutter, and come up with a fantastic solution because they have a system that allows them to do that.

I completely understand your sense of awe and wonder— you want to be like those marketers. You want to get more done today than most people will get done all week.

I don’t have to tell you what that would do for your earnings.

The fact is that I used to be one of those “slow” marketers. I’d learn and stew over a project before implementing it. I’d approach cautiously, waiting to take that leap.

I take a different approach these days. I don’t wait around for money (one of my favorite mottoes is “money loves speed”) and success to fall into my lap. You need that too…

Don’t Wait For Money And Success– Make It Come To You

I get an idea, and I go for it.

I produce on a level most marketers can’t even dream of.

It’s not because I have all the time and energy in the world (I don’t). It’s not because I was born this way (I assure you, I was not).

It’s because I’ve studied the very best, most productive businesspeople in the world. I’ve researched solid strategies, top to bottom, to turn anyone into a machine of productivity.

That’s right…

I Can Make You Crazy-Productive

(They’ll wonder how you did it…)

I’ve fine-tuned these strategies into a system I know can help you boost your productivity. You’ll get so much more done. You can produce more, have more free time, and be happier in business.

I’ve also studied a lot about human psychology. I know that people perform best when they feel challenged.

That’s why I’ve distilled my very best methods of boosting your productivity and output as a marketer into a no-fail system that will help you do more in the next 30 days than you’ve done all year.

You’ll Do More In The Next 30 Days Than You’ve Done All Year

You see, I have a lot of insight into how the typical marketer works. I work with thousands of marketers every year— marketers of all levels.

I know exactly what’s holding you back, and I know what can push you forward.

People are amazed at how I’m able to do so much in such a short period of time. They wonder how I can put out so many products, run my very popular Earn 1K a Day forum, lead my smash-success marketing Facebook group, and have time left over to personally reply to and help my  friends and customers… not to mention my long weekends spent at my beach condo with my lovely wife.

The fact of the matter is that it’s not as hard as it looks on the outside. It doesn’t matter how easily distracted you are or how unmotivated you are— I know I can turn you into a productivity machine.

It’s Easy If You Have The Right Methods…

Are you ready to do more in the next 30 days than you’ve done all year?

As part of this challenge, you’re going to tackle 3 major, potentially life-changing projects in that time.

At the end of 30 days, you’ll have accomplished all your goals.

The new year is coming up— are you ready?

The Year Is Almost Over…Get It Done NOW

It’s always hard to end the year with regret. You know you could have and should have done so much more.

It’s embarrassing how many of your projects have been left unfinished.

But, to get better, you should never dwell in the past. Instead, imagine how amazing it will feel to CRUSH it in the next 30 days.

You’ll be able to smile as you ring in the New Year because you’ve gotten so much done in the past month.

The rest of the year won’t matter— you’re now one of those extremely successful people who knock out incredible projects in no time flat.

The secret?

You’re going about it wrong. You have the wrong approach, the wrong strategy, and the wrong mindset.

You’re over-complicating your success.

It’s time to distill the right steps into the next 30 days.

Take The Right Steps In The Next 30 Days

It’s time to get more done in the next 30 days than you’ve gotten done all year.

I live this life all the time— so do the most successful marketers on the planet.

Some would claim to be “born” with such incredible powers of productivity. But, I know better. I know that you can easily slip into this lifestyle as well.

Imagine having more time left over to play with your kids, learn to play the guitar, take walks on the beach, or actually get a full night’s sleep.

Imagine not having to work 15 hours a day in order to earn money while you sleep. Imagine not getting to the end of the workday and realizing you didn’t do anything worthwhile.

You can work just a few hours and do more and earn more than you do right now. You can get more done in a “normal” work day than most people get done all week or even all month.

And you can get more done over the next 30 days than you got done all last year.

Are you ready for the challenge?

Say Yes To The Challenge And It Will Change Your Life

I’m fully confident that you will succeed.

I’ve distilled the very best information and strategies into this guide. I take you, from start to finish, on an incredible 30 day journey where you not only press on the boundaries of your productivity, but you bust through them.

You absolutely can and will accomplish major things in your business.

The New Year is approaching. It’s time to dust off your important, unfinished projects and get them done, NOW.

This will have major effects on your life and business. You’re going to make this happen, and the time is now.

You’ll Discover:

  • How to instantly be at the peak of productivity, whenever you need to be
  • How to accomplish more in less time by ignoring most of your workload
  • How the mistakes you’ve made in the past will be nothing but a good story— because now you’re a master of productivity
  • How to earn more in just 3 hours per day if you don’t feel like working a full day

Can you really be happier working less? Can you really get more done. Absolutely… now is the time.

Work Less And Feel Better:

  • How to work happily and efficiently— the “drama” of life won’t stop you when you know this
  • A simple exercise to make any business decision in under a minute
  • How to master any skill you need in under 30 days
  • Secrets of working just 20 minutes at a time
  • How to trick yourself into feeling productive, any time you want

It’s time for you to work smarter. Cut the clutter, get more energy, and power through your to-do list.

These Secrets Of Productivity Are Yours:

  • How to make several hours of work go by in an instant…anytime you want
  • How to feel fantastic about your work, and happier overall
  • How to play more and get much more done
  • How to quickly and happily meet your deadlines…with innovated work that changes the world
  • How to have more energy and get more done in a morning than most people get done all week

This is a fantastic new strategy that combines the methods and habits of the most successful people in the world.

It doesn’t matter who you are or how successful or unsuccessful you think you are, this can help you.

Can you really get more done in the next 30 days than you’ve gotten done all year? You absolutely can.

It’s time to make it happen.

Introducing: The 30 Day Marketing Plan

It’s all in my new guide: The 30 Day Marketing Plan

You’re Getting:

  • 110+ page guide on getting more done in the next 30 days than you got done all year
  • 30 Day Journal
  • Daily To-Do Templates
  • Mindset Mastery Action Guide
  • Project Planning Action Guide
  • 20 Minute Plan Action Guide
  • Looking Back Action Guide

Where will you be in 30 days?

Will you be in the same place you’re in now— frustrated because you can’t do more and earn more?

Or, will you be proud, accomplished, and changed— knowing that you can do more in 30 days than most people can do in a year… and that you can repeat that performance any time you want?

I know you want to make some changes— there’s a reason you’ve read to this point.

You’re ready to change your life.

You’re ready to take this challenge.

You’re ready to work smarter instead of harder.

You want to know how some people get so much done in such a short period of time? This is it.

This is everything you need to know to become happier and more effective in your work.

This is everything you need to know to get more done in the next 30 days than most people get done in a year.

How much is it worth to you to finally get those projects done that have been hounding you for months?

How much is it worth to you to finally feel powerful and in control in your business?

I’ve heard more than one marketer say their #1 goal is to be more productive so they can earn more. They’re tired of getting to the end of the workday with nothing to show for it.

You want more for yourself. You don’t want to kick yourself because you feel so out of it… so ashamed because you don’t work as hard as you know you could.

You’re tired of working on things you don’t like doing— you want to feel passionate and excited about your business.

It’s time to make that happen for you. I know many people would pay upwards of $97 to bottle that feeling, excitement, and power up. Heck, some have even paid $1,000’s toward productivity courses to learn just a fraction of what you’ll learn in this guide.

I want you to take this challenge… And I want you to do it for the New Year. I’m a little bit selfish— I want all the success stories I can get. I want to hear how this changed your life… because I know it will.

It’s your time to succeed. That’s why I’ve decided to offer a special launch price. I want you to take action to change your life before the year is over.

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