Starting From Free

by Dennis Becker on June 4, 2014

Here’s the future of online marketing…

“How To Become Instantly More Profitable, More Beloved, And More Successful In Your Niche By Giving Away Free Products”

(And here’s why this is not what you expect…)

Dear Friend,

Getting attention online is hard. There’s too much going on and the competition is fierce. Hundreds of people are offering the same thing you’re offering, even if you try to be different.

You’re drowning and no one is noticing.

You know that you have something really special to share. You want to help people while growing your income online. You want a real business that thrives. You want to know you’re changing lives. You want your bank account to overflow from your efforts…but it’s not.


It’s sad and frustrating, but…

No One’s Paying Attention To You

Why is it so hard to make money online? Why doesn’t anyone see the value you’re putting out there?

Hold on tight, because marketing online is only getting harder (if you’re stuck in the past)…

It used to be that you could hop into a new market, create a product, slap a nice $97+ price tag on it as a newbie and make plenty of sales. In the IM niche, you’d discount it a little, put it on the Warrior Forum, and make a killing in an instant– thousands upon thousands of dollars a day for doing next to nothing.

These days, there’s a lot more noise.

It doesn’t help that people are getting what they want for free. Let me repeat that… your market is savvy enough now that they know they can get just about anything they want… for free.

What’s that doing to your profits?

When people in your market are willing to pay for something, they either won’t take a chance on someone new to them or they’ll expect a bargain-basement price tag.

Your Positioning Is All Wrong

Sure, you can grow a great business online. But the fact is that the perceived value of digital products has gone way down.

Why is someone going to pay you $97 if they can get the same value from someone else, free?

Maybe you can discount your books or make a desperate plea to your audience…but that’s not a long term solution, is it? It’s soul-sucking and depressing to think about toiling over a product just to give it away for peanuts…watching your business dwindle down to nothing anyway.

You Can Barely Even Give Things Away Right Now

The real kick-in-the-rear is that it can seem next to impossible to even give things away even if you try. That’s the real challenge. In an age where people can always get something-for-nothing, your stuff stands off to the side, unnoticed.

Or, maybe you’re one of the lucky ones with a small but devoted following.

You’re still fledgling; sinking.

How are you going to get more customers? How are you going to make some real money online and finally, finally get the traffic, money, and attention you deserve?

It’s Because Everything’s The Same…

I’m going to be blunt… your stuff is the same as everyone else’s stuff. It’s a crowded market, there’s too much for people to do, pay attention to, and learn online.

Now you’re starting to see the problem, and possibly how you’re a part of it.

Your eyes are open… you now know why you’re struggling to earn more and sell more online.

It’s time to take a bird’s eye view of things. You’ll start to see that everything’s the same. Why should your audience pay attention to what you have if there are 100 people standing next to you, offering the same thing, or better?

Think of the marketers you really admire in your niche. Why do they get so much more attention? You have to study them, and it’s about more than jealousy…you’re desperate, here– desperate to figure out what works.

These People Are Sucking All The Air Out Of The Room…

Time and time again, you’ll realize that the people who are really, really successful in your niche are the ones who stand out… for more than one reason.

It’s easy to be jealous of them.

They seem to know everything first, they set the trends, and they suck all the air out of a niche, not leaving any for anyone else.

But, when you get past the envy, you’ll see something else.

You’ll see that the real reason for their success is that they dare to be different. They try new things, they innovate, they create, and they don’t let anyone stop them. They’ve built up momentum and a certain kind of reputation and their customers and competitors can’t help but be caught up in that.

They cast a long shadow over their niche, because they’re perceived as authorities.

(They also have a very specific method you can easily tap into to get all the attention, leads, and sales… but we’ll get to that in a minute)

They Take Risks; They Get People Talking

Most Importantly Of All, They Get Results…

How about you?

How can you make your audience respond?

The answer: It’s all about value, and it’s all about establishing your own authority status.

That’s what people want, really. Customers don’t want your product; they want results.

They aren’t buying your ebook or course or whatever it is. They’re buying the results you can give them.

There are a few things going on here– the marketers you envy stand out, they get results, and they aren’t afraid to take risks.

Somehow, some way, they’ve managed to get the attention in a crowded sea of copycats.

They’ve figured out how to give people results and to stand out in the crowd. Competition doesn’t matter to these marketers– they come out ahead every single time.

How do they do it?

It Was Hard For Me To Be Comfortable With This…

I’ll admit it; I’m someone who often plays it safe. The funny thing is that “staying safe” was actually the riskiest thing of all.

It’s frustrating to struggle to get customers. It’s maddening to create something I think is really good, only to find that the market doesn’t respond because I couldn’t reach them.

It’s easy to pass these struggles off as being the fault of a crowded niche or some other kind of problem. The fact is that no niche is too crowded, not really. That’s a complete and total myth.

It took me a long time to realize that it was time to break free of the “formula” everyone else was following. It was time to become more innovative and creative. It was time to make a splash in my market so I could really grow my business.

What’s the answer to growing your business like wildfire online?

Dramatically Boost Your Income By Giving Your Stuff Away

No, I haven’t lost my mind. In fact, this is extremely important so I recommend you read very closely.

It Works For Google, HBO, Candy Crush, And Me… And It’s Going To Work For You

Consider the following products and businesses:

  • Google
  • HBO
  • Bum Marketing
  • Spotify and Pandora Radio
  • Candy Crush Saga
  • Me

What do these businesses have in common?

They give great stuff away.

You know what else they have in common?

They are extremely, extremely profitable, stand out in the marketplace, and are perfect examples of the future of marketing.

They provide a TON of value to people, win them over, and then get the sale… over and over again.

Think of the Google products you use every day. Why do they let you use these for free when they could easily charge for access? You use YouTube, Gmail, Google Hangouts, Google Search, Google Scholar, Google+, and so much more.

They give you all that free. They gather data from their massive audience to become massively, massively successful– so much more so than if they charged for everything.

What about HBO? TV show Game of Thrones was the most pirated TV show in its first year. It now gets more viewers each week than MOST free broadcasted shows… on a high-end paid subscription service.

Free attracts viewers. Free attracts money. HBO is smart and is now making much of their library available for no additional cost to Amazon Prime customers. That’s smart marketing; that’s the future.

Get people hooked with free and they’ll joyfully buy from you.

Think back to when Bum Marketing was all the rage online. Travis Sago was ahead of his time, really. He gave an incredible course away for free. It was a new spin on an old business model and people were massively successful with it. He won fans for life… and went on to become hugely successful online. This Internet marketing guru built his business, starting from free.

Consider Spotify and Pandora. You use these apps to listen to any kind of music you like… for FREE. But for music lovers, it’s a no-brainer to upgrade to the paid service because you get unlimited, instant access to millions of dollars worth of music.

They built their business by winning fans and giving value…starting from free.

Think about Candy Crush Saga– a game you’ve heard about even if you didn’t get addicted to it yourself. They made this really fun and addicting game. They gave it to people, full of value and entertainment, free. Then, once people were hooked, they offer in-app upgrades and purchases to enhance your experience. You’re hooked, so you’re going to pay. It’s all about the experience… and it all started from FREE.

Think about the first time you heard of me, Dennis Becker. Maybe you joined my free Facebook group. Maybe you downloaded my huge package of free products or read one of my ground-breaking free books, such as 5 Bucks A Day Jr.

I hooked you on FREE. I hooked you with value first. Then you stuck around for the relationship and more value. FREE has built my business to incredible levels.

Here’s How To Become Instantly More Successful And Profitable By Offering Things For Free

It’s time for you to grab hold of the future of marketing.

You’re going to attract a massive audience by offering incredible value for free.

You’re going to blow people away… their jaws will drop open when they see what you’re giving them for free. Word of mouth will spread, your content will go viral, and your pockets will be full to the brim, because you’re about to become a savvy marketer… starting from free.

You’re going to set your product funnel up in a way so you’ll make a LOT more money than you’re making right now.

Imagine this:

You sell a product for $97 and get some affiliates on board. You have an audience of 1,000 and convert 2% of them. Not bad.

Now, let’s say you GIVE AWAY a product WORTH $97. You let affiliates promote your free offer. In the end, you have an audience of 20,000 who’ve downloaded your free product. You win them over and develop a relationship.

You’re a ground-breaker in the niche. You convert 5% of those into paid, upgraded sales, because of the relationship. You’re now much, much more profitable. Not to mention that you’ve won customers for life.

You have to woo your audience first. “Take them to dinner” before you push the sale.

You have to get your content in front of a much larger audience.

You have to prove yourself and focus on value.

You have to go with the flow and use FREE to your very profitable advantage.

Change People’s Lives And They’ll Change Yours

Let me ask you this… how many people are you helping right now? How many lives are you changing?

How many lives could you change if you launched viral campaigns where you give crazy-good value, for free?

I’m a strong believer in the fact that you get back what you put out into the world, tenfold.

I’m going to show you how I, and other successful companies and marketers, have built their business by giving value, starting from free.

Worried about freebie seekers? Don’t be– that’s outdated thinking and I’ll explain exactly why. You WANT people to seek out your free content. This is part of an abundance mindset.

The bottom line is that building your business from a place of free, and having an amazing product funnel in place, is an unbeatable combination.

Ignore this and your business will sink. Pay attention to this and you’ll be way, way ahead of the competition.

You’ll grow your brand, become a top expert in your niche, develop legions of loyal fans, have more fun, and be insanely more profitable.

Introducing: Starting From Free…

I’ve spent a lot of time studying the most successful Internet marketing sales funnels. I’ve studied some of the most profitable and innovative companies in the world.

I’ve seen how people struggle to get attention and notice in their market… especially when first getting into a niche.

I’ve seen the future of marketing, and now I’m inviting you to be a part of it.

Stay stuck in the past, stay stubborn, and your business will not thrive.

Grab hold of the new, profitable way of building your business, starting from free, and your business will THRIVE like crazy.

You’re going to discover:

Why FREE Is The Business-Boost You Need

  • Why it’s a myth that you should fear “freebie seekers” (and how to use them to your advantage)
  • Exactly how to treat your free leads like gold… they’ll latch on to become lifelong customers (if you do this)
  • How to build a relationship with your audience your competition can’t even touch… getting you the sale and leaving them in the dust (it’s because they don’t know to do this)
  • Why some digital products are only worth $0, even if people are charging $1,000′s for them
  • Why your “Freebies” are worth $1,000′s, and how giving them away could quickly turn you into a six-figure marketer (or better)

Taking FREE To The Next Level

  • How the greatest companies in the world become insanely profitable by giving things away for free (you’ll look like a genius when you do this)
  • How you can instantly set your free and paid products apart (most marketers don’t even realize this)
  • Exactly how to fulfill your passion, have more fun, change lives, and make more money…starting today
  • How to make a splash in any marketplace and instantly dash the competition (you’ll be the new, more profitable go-to expert)

Start Your Business And Profit From FREE, Today

  • Exactly how to deliver more value in your FREE product, than your competition delivers in $$$ products (and how this can net you more money in the long run)
  • Exactly how to structure your product funnel so you’re nearly instantly profitablestarting from free
  • What you’re doing all wrong when it comes to getting traffic… and how to fix that, today, to get legions of raving fans
  • How to “infiltrate” your niche so you’re always a step ahead, creating trends and profiting at every turn (Starting from FREE)
  • Why this “free” business is actually the easiest and most profitable… not to mention the way of the future (ignore this and you’ll be left behind)
  • How to give a lot… and get a whole lot more… profits, fans, praise… and the business you’ve always dreamed of

Listen, you could keep doing what you’ve been doing, but where’s the joy in that?

It’s time for you to build your business based on FREE, so you can get more traffic, attract more passionate fans, and earn more (both quickly and in the long run).

I’ve put together an incredible package that shows you exactly what to do, from start to finish.

This is an exciting change, and you’ll start smiling from the minute you read the first word in this incredible new guide.

You’re Getting:

  • “Starting From Free…” book
  • Instantly Profitable Product Funnel Planner
  • Free Product Brainstorming Guide
  • Winning Lifelong Fans And Customers Guide
  • Quick-Start Action Guide

Your Complete Sales Funnel, Starting From Free

What’s it worth to you to have an instant way to WOW your audience?

What’s it worth to get a ton of traffic and an instant boost in sales. Not to mention the incredible feeling and goodwill you’ll receive because you’re literally going to be changing people’s lives.

This will work for you. This will work in the future– in fact, this is essential marketing for the future. Miss this and your business will not thrive in the years to come.

This is what successful, innovative companies are doing, now, and I’m giving you the exact business model and all the details you need to make it happen.

This material is so valuable and actionable that it’s worth thousands or even millions of dollars in the right hands. The sky is the limit when you start your business from free.

This information and strategy is worth a lot. Remember– I’m not selling you an “ebook”, I’m selling you life-changing, business changing, game changing strategies. Frankly, this could be turned into a high-end course valued at $97 or more.

But, I always love to give a special early bird launch price. I’m also all about providing value to as many people as possible, as part of the mission of my life and business. That’s why, for a limited time, you can get your copy for the low price below.

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