Powerful Passive Profits

by admin on February 18, 2015

Multiple passive income streams for the rest of us…

“Here’s How You Can Create Your Own Multiple Passive Income Streams — The Real Way To Earn Money In Your Sleep”


Dear Friend,

I really dislike sales letters that scream, “Earn Massive, Passive $1,000,000’s With This Pushbutton Solution!”

Ugh, it’s so annoying.

Yet, it seems like we all see a ton of sales messages like that all the time.

Sure, we’d love a pushbutton solution for earning money passively, but you and I know it doesn’t exist.


You Do Know It’s Possible To Earn Money In Your Sleep, If Only…

You could “crack the code.”

You’re okay with not having a push button, gimmicky solution to earning passive income online.

You’re ready to build a real business. You know you’re going to have to work for it and you’re okay with that if it can release you from your chains.

You’re okay with working hard if it will change your life and the lives of your family members.

You also know it’s absolutely possible to earn a ton of money passively online because you’ve seen so many people do it.

You read success stories online and you start dreaming and you wish it could be you.

In fact, you might be reading this right now because you know that I earn a substantial amount of money passively online.

You’re tired of working so hard for next to nothing in return and you want that too.

Trading Your Time Hour-Per-Hour, Dollar-For-Dollar Is Exhausting

You want your own real solution.

You’re ready to change your life in big ways and earn money even while you’re sleeping, or vacationing, or enjoying time with your family.

So, you hunt for the next great moneymaking opportunity, month after month, year after year.

Promises, Promises…

These opportunities are easy to find… in fact, it’s hard to keep your focus when there are so many amazing opportunities to earn extra money.

It seems like people are constantly bombarding you with one “amazing” moneymaking idea after the next.

It’s exhausting. Especially when you start and stop business model after business model and idea after idea because you’re overwhelmed and you’ve only been given half of the pieces to the puzzle.

It’s exhausting not only because you’re so desperate to earn extra money online, but also because they make it seem so darn easy… so darn convincing.

You want it so badly (and need it so badly) and…

some of those marketers would sell their soul for a buck

It’s a horrible cycle because you get your hopes up with this method or that method of making money online. Meanwhile, those shysters are laughing all the way to the bank.

They are selling the dream.

You deserve more than the dream – so much more!

You deserve the real thing.

You deserve to finally and actually be able to earn a passive income online.

You know what the cool thing is? It is absolutely, 100%, possible. You’re looking for something that’s real, something you can get your hands on, and this is it.

In fact, you can (and will) set up passive income streams successfully online, if that’s what you really want out of life.

You can design any kind of life you want. We live in a great time and you can create the business of your dreams online. This isn’t a “business opportunity” …

this is a life-changing opportunity that you create yourself

It doesn’t get any better than that.

But, there’s something important that most people leave out… and it’s the biggest success secret there is.

I’ll tell you exactly what it is in a minute.

It’s responsible for (at least) 90% of your success in setting up an incredible passive income.

In fact, it is absolutely, positively the only reason you haven’t been successful yet.

If you figure out this missing piece, you will literally be able to decide what you want your income to be…choose your own income.

You can live the life you want with the income you want

What’s the answer?

The answer is mindset.

Your mindset is the only reason you haven’t been able to grab hold of the passive income lifestyle yet (and that’s about to change).

Did you know there are two general mindset levels among entrepreneurs?

There’s a scarcity mindset and an abundance mindset.

Those who are successful have an abundance mindset. Those who aren’t have a scarcity mindset. But no one tells you that this is the real secret to success. They feed you a half-baked solution and probably don’t care whether you sink or swim because they want to sell you on the next dream.

What you need is a mindset shift and a full, workable solution to earning an incredible, passive income online

To this point, no one has given you the tools you need to jump from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset.

You’ve also been given bad information, You see– marketers are constantly trying to get you to hop from one project to the next. They want you to buy information on business model after business model because it lines their pockets with your cash.

It doesn’t serve their needs if you focus on just one business model at a time and succeed at everything you try.

They want you to try this business model, then that business model… as long as you keep buying the dream, they don’t care whether you’re successful or not. Thankfully, most marketers aren’t like this or don’t mean to be like this. But it’s a big problem even when it’s an unintentional one.

You’re responsible for yourself, of course.

It’s my mission to help you get to where you need to be

I don’t want to just sell you on the next best thing, I want you to actually succeed, starting here and now.

I want you to know that you can make money passively online.

You can set up successful, passive income streams even if you’ve tried and failed before.

It’s important to me that you believe it can and will happen for you– I want to help make it actually happen for you. I’m going to take care of the mindset part in addition to the how-to part.

Mindset might not sound sexy, but it’s what actually leads to the cash… cash is pretty darn sexy!

The #1 Success Secret on the planet is mindset (figure this out and you can truly have near-instant success)

The next-best secret is having the right passive business models at your disposal.

You don’t want to trade your time for pennies anymore.

It is not your dream for every dollar you earn to be tied to an hour of hard work.

You want to be able to work hard once and have it pay off for you for years to cone.

Your dream is about to become a reality.

I am going to hand you the passive income models you need to change your life

I have six amazing passive income business models ready and waiting for you.

To top it off… I’m going to teach you how to snowball your success by stacking them on top of each other for SIX times the results.

I’m also going to give you some instant and long lasting mindset-boosting tips that will give you the boost you must have to succeed.

It’s the stuff the “other guys” don’t tell you but should. It is truly the missing link that’s standing between you and success.

Why am I so passionate about your success? Why do I care so much about giving you the real tools for success, even though so many others leave them out?

it wasn’t that long ago that I was just like you…

I, too, was buying up info products and “how to get rich” products like crazy.

I wanted passive income but couldn’t seem to finish a single project. I didn’t have buy buttons up on the web and yet still wondered why I wasn’t getting rich.

The worst of it was that I was deep in debt (like you might be right now) and desperate for a way out.

I was missing that all-important abundance mindset. I tried (what I thought was) my hardest but I was jumping around from one thing to the next.

I figured I would always be “that guy” who tried really hard but remained a failure.

Success seemed to be for other people (I know you’re nodding along with me right now if that’s how you feel, too).

I don’t think like that anymore. I have developed an abundance mindset and I’ve cracked the code to help you develop one too.

You can finally dream big and achieve big…

With incredible passive income streams.

Ready for it?

Another big problem many people like I used to be have is jumping around from one project to the next.

You start a project that you’re sure is going to land you the big bucks… but you get distracted and never follow through once the next Bright Shiny Object comes along.

I get it. I really do.

There are so many really incredible business models to try online. It’s so easy to lose focus!

You start one project or idea but taking action isn’t as fun as dreaming… then a moneymaking idea lands in your inbox that you just have to try.

Making money online seems so cool (and it is)… until you realize that all you’re really left with after the months and years you’ve been trying is a pile of unfinished projects and $0 to show for it.

You’ve heard the advice that you need to stick to one thing.

You acknowledge it but ignore it because it’s just human nature.

All the “Bright Shiny Object” ideas just seem so amazing!

What if I told you that there is a way to truly have it all?

Get rid of what’s holding you back by grabbing your copy of this life-changing strategy I’m so proud of.

You can have the cool, passive income streams you know are going to change your life

You can boost your mindset like crazy (starting now).

You can try all of those cool business models you’re desperate to try and actually follow through with them because of the method I’m about to reveal to you.

To top it off, you can “stack” your income to whatever level you’d like.

Mindset + stacking passive income streams = living the life of your dreams

That’s exactly what I’m going to help you do as soon as you download your copy of this book. I want you to have an incredible, passive income that changes your life.

I’ve done it, and I’m no better or smarter than you.

I just have a mindset of abundance (I’ll show you how) and I have an incredible method to:

stack income stream on top of passive income stream to all but guarantee your massive, passive success

You’ll discover how to:

  • Boost your mindset and embrace abundance
  • Achieve every one of the dreams you have for yourself
  • Really earn a passive income that pays you even while you’re traveling or taking long breaks just because you feel like it

Are you ready?

This book is different from anything else out there. It’s what you need to succeed-whether you’re new or you’ve been trying to earn a living online for years.

I’m giving you the:

  • Exact income streams
  • Instant mindset boost
  • Method to successfully “stack” multiple income streams for huge, long-lasting, passive earnings.

I’m so excited for you to get your hands on this information.

You’re going to:

  • Capture the excitement you feel, forever
  • Set goals that will change your life, forever
  • Eliminate uncertainty and finally feel powerful in your business
  • Find the perfect income streams for your passions, skills, and talents
  • Stack incredible, high-earning income streams for massive success
  • Ensure that this is the time you finally succeed, no matter what has happened in the past
  • Use the success of already-successful people to instantly put yourself on their level
  • Discover how just $5 a day can lead to a lifetime of incredible, full-time passive earnings
  • Come up with the perfect niche-one you’ll love and earn money in, guaranteed
  • Work less on your passive income business but earn so much more

I know you’re so ready to get started, so I’ll reveal passive income streams we’ll cover. Fair warning… you may have seen these income streams before, but you’ve never seen them in this way before.

The 6 Passive Business models Of Success Include:

  1. Affiliate marketing with niche websites
  2. Blogging for passive income
  3. Kindle publishing
  4. Email list marketing
  5. Product creation
  6. Continuity programs

These aren’t your average business models-I’m going to explain each one in a whole new way… in a way that will finally put these evergreen, powerful business models to work for you.

You’ll be able to work less and earn more.

You’ll be able to stack each of these business models in a way that guarantees your financial freedom.

Sure, you’ve seen these income streams before- maybe you’ve even tried them before and had a little success with them.

This is different– and you’ll see why just as soon as you open your copy of this book and start reading and implementing.

Introducing: Passive Power Profits

I’m showing you a whole new way you can use these time-tested and proven income streams to dramatically improve your life.

First, you’ll figure out which extremely profitable niche you want to target- one where people are handing money over to you like crazy. You are going to sell real, workable solutions they’ll go crazy for.

Then, you will use my instant mindset boosters to ensure your success-this will allow you to start funneling money your way, fast.

Next, you’ll choose the first passive income stream– Knowing that, with my passive income plan and special approach to each income stream, you can try the others out later to “stack” your income.

You are about to change your life.

Close your eyes and feel how amazing it would be to wake up to payment notification after payment notification– for work you did months or even years ago.

See yourself lounging at the beach as your family enjoys a vacation. You check your phone (for the first time all week) and see that you have earned a full time income while you were away, without lifting a finger during your time off.

That isn’t just a dream – it’s about to become your reality

How much would you be willing to pay to live a life like that? What is a lifetime of financial freedom worth to you?

Financial freedom is what university and college degrees promise you- but we all know how well that turns out.

Yet they charge tens of thousands of dollars for a piece of paper and a designation. I’m not saying college isn’t valuable, because it is for many people. What I am saying is that in terms of financial freedom and wealth, the answer’s in front of you.

If I were to offer these passive income strategies and mindset boosting techniques as a one-on-one coaching course, I could do well charging several hundreds or thousands of dollars to break it all down on an individual level, depending on how limited I wanted to make the opportunity.

But, you know me, and you know how extremely important it is to me to be able to help as many people succeed as possible. It’s part of my life’s work.

That’s why, for a limited time, I am going to make this available for a price that anyone can afford. Grab this book and the incredible, life-changing worksheets and bonuses now. You know that it’s time for things to change in a big way for you. You can feel it in your bones.

Grab this special offer today and treat yourself to a whole new life.

You’re Getting:

  • The Passive Power Profits main book
  • Passive Income Planner #1
  • Multiple Passive Income Planner
  • Instant Mindset Boosting Tool
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