Pinterest Traffic Report

by admin on March 5, 2012

Why is Pinterest useful?

Pinterest is full of people who are passionate about things.

They are passionate about design, quality, visual niceness.

Why is this useful?

Simple, people want more, they want more and more of the same.  They want to see more, read more, they want more information.

So it’s a naturally curious audience.

Traffic Generation

You can use this pinning method to generate traffic.

Every image is linked to the site it came from.  THAT’S WHERE THE TRAFFIC IS.

Users can click on an image that interests them, and they end up on the site it came from.

So, you pin images on YOUR sites and YOU get that traffic.

And, if they are GREAT images, they might be repinned, and hence that virally attracts more traffic.

And, even better, users activity ends up on their connected Facebook and Twitter accounts.  So you automatically gain from those networks too!

It’s been said that Pinterest is driving more traffic to sites than YouTube, Google+ and LinkedIn combined…

So… find out more now!

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