How to Write a Sales Letter in Just One Day

by Dennis Becker on May 28, 2015

“Finally… A Super-Simple, Step-By-Step Way To Write A Money-Magnet Sales Page In Just One Day…”

This Easy Copywriting System Works For Every Niche…


Dear Friend

You’re jealous… you’re jealous of marketers who have sales pages that convert at 2%, 5%, 10%, 20%… and more.

If you had a sales page that converted even half that well, you could be making so much more money.


Write Better Copy And Earn More Money… But How?

It drives you crazy to think about it… writing copy has you so discouraged (so far).

You know you could hire a copywriter to write your sales pages for you. The problem is that it’s so incredibly expensive to hire a pro. You might not even have the $$$$ it can cost to hire someone like that.

You could hire a lower-end copywriter, of course, but who knows what you’d end up with if you went that route.

Hiring Copywriters Can Be A Painful Process

It could be a complete mess of a sales letter that you would have been better off without… not to mention the amount of time it can take to wait for a copywriter to finally get to your project.

It could mean waiting weeks… or months… to profit (if you ever do at all).

So, what’s the answer?

I can tell you…

this is something I’ve struggled with time and time again myself

I’ve been self-employed for many, many years now and there’s something I’ve learned.

For something like copywriting, it’s important to learn how to do it yourself.

Am I saying to never hire a professional copywriter? Absolutely not. Copywriters are worth their weight in gold.

But… so are you.

There’s nothing that sets world class copywriters apart from you

The only difference is that “the pros” have spent the time and money to become proficient in their craft.

Bigger than that— they’ve practiced the skill and have it down to a science.

You can do that, right? I know you can.


here’s the perfect method to help you write an easy, high converting sales page…

The best part is that you don’t have to spend a lot of time and money to write a sales letter… you can get started in just one day.

Finally, you don’t have to be jealous of high-converting sales pages anymore.

You don’t have to spend hundreds and thousands of dollars on copywriters.

In fact…

you can learn how to write how to write a sales letter in just one day

This is a fantastic challenge… and you can do it even if you’ve never written a sales letter before.

This is, without a doubt, the #1 skill to learn in your business

Can a one-day challenge set you up for success for your business, for the rest of your life? Absolutely.

Learn how to write sales letters and earn more, grow your business, boost your reputation, and more

Best of all, you’ll be helping people with your words.

You believe in your products, right? You know that they can really help people.

You just have to sell people on it so they’ll go ahead and buy. You need them to connect with your product so they’ll pull their credit card out with a smile on their face.

That’s what I’m going to show you how to do today.

What if you have written sales letters before… can you improve or change in just one day?

Sure you can. Complete this challenge and you’ll likely double your conversions or better.

If you can double your conversions, you can double your income…

Nothing turns people off as much as a sales page that’s unprofessional– you’re done with that. You’re ready for the next level in your marketing.

Maybe your issue is that you didn’t even want to attempt to write a sales page in the past because you were sure it would take weeks or even a month or more to write a great sales page, and you didn’t have that kind of time or patience.

That’s not the case at all– not for you, not after you have your hands on this one-day system.

Writing sales copy doesn’t have to be hard and it doesn’t have to be time consuming.

Remember— I’m going to show you how to write a high-converting sales page in just one day

Are you ready for something that might be a little bit shocking for you?

It’s possible to write a sales page in just a couple of hours. I’ll also tell you what you need to know about that…

Really, if you can learn to write one in a day you can learn to write one in an hour or two.

I’m not talking about 20 page sales letters here, of course. I’m talking about high-pulling, high-profit sales letters that get the job done better than the majority of “non-pro” sales letters out there.

You’re about to enter the ranks of world-class copywriters…

I know you might be feeling intimidated right now. Many people run into mindset issues when they set out to write a sales page.

They feel like if they aren’t spending thousands of dollars on home study courses, that they just can’t make it happen. That’s not the case at all – and I’m going to prove it to you.

Listen – I’ve spent a lot of money learning how to write copy for myself.

I’ve studied under some of the best for my own marketing purposes from their products, courses, mentorship, and more.

And even when I’m not buying products on how to write better sales copy, I’m constantly studying world class copywriters and their sales pages.

That’s something I recommend you do as well. In fact, learning how to write great copy will be a lifelong learning process. I think you’ll come to really enjoy it.

But that doesn’t mean you have to wait months or even years to write your first great sales letter.

You can write an awesome sales letter today… And start converting today

You can transform an existing sales page or write one from scratch.

The fact is that there is a…

very simple formula you can follow to write a sales letter that converts far better than most sales letters out there…

I’ll give you the biggest secret of it all right here and now, because I truly want you to succeed with this.

Something many marketers and even copywriters don’t get right with their sales pages is that human connection.

If you want to make great sales and convert like crazy, then you have to know exactly what makes the people in your audience – your future customers – tick.

What’s going to make them pull out their credit card?

You’ll know exactly how to do that once you’ve read this fantastic, game-changing guide.

Introducing: How to Write a Sales Letter in Just One Day.

I’m a big fan of doing things the easy way. But I don’t want to do things quickly just for the sake of it… I also want to do things well.

That’s why I focus on efficiency, systems, and doing things right without over-thinking it.

I think you’d agree that if you could write a great, high converting sales page in just one day, you could completely transform your business for the better, forever.

And it all starts today.

Make the decision to grab How to Write a Sales Letter in Just One Day and I promise you’ll be thrilled with what you learn.

More importantly than that, you’ll get results. You’ll be able to write a fantastic sales page, even if you’ve tried and failed dozens of times before.

This fantastic new guide was written just for you

In it, you’ll discover:

  • Exactly what you need to know before you get started writing sales copy (do this and you’ll breeze through the process… finishing your personal record-breaking sales copy in no time at all)
  • Shockingly simple little tips to write your sales page in just one dayOr even in a couple of hours
  • How to get to the heart of what your ideal customer needs and wants… So your sales page will convert like crazy and you’ll earn more money
  • A simple template you can use to write a fantastic sales page even if you’re a total beginner
  • Amazing tips and tricks even “pro” copywriters don’t know (do this and you could make money hand over fist as your customers flock to your offer…)

This game-changing guide is part of my How to ____ in Just One Day” series. These books are designed to be quick and easy to consume. More importantly, they are designed to get you real results.

How To Write A Sales Letter In Just One Day Is Your Copywriting Answer… For Less

I just know you’re going to love it.

Let’s get one thing straight right now– you’re the only one who can transform your business. Take this as your opportunity to do just that.

I could turn this into a home study course (like everyone else is doing…even though my method works better) or offer coaching for writing sales letters. Those things would come at a very premium price, of course.

I’m not ruling that out on in the future. But because this book is part of my “just one day” series, I’m going to offer it to you for a rock-bottom price.

That’s because I think everyone should be able to learn how to write copy.

You deserve to have the secrets of writing copy quickly, efficiently, and well

You shouldn’t have to spend thousands of dollars to hire a copywriter. You should be able to do it yourself… in far less time than you ever thought possible.

Now you can.

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