Abundance Mindset

by Dennis Becker on February 26, 2014

Your scarcity mindset is holding you back…

“Fill Your Life With Abundance, Happiness, And Wealth With These ‘Magic’ Mindset Steps”

Dear Friend,

Life stinks sometimes, doesn’t it? You can’t seem to get ahead, your bank account is near empty, and everything you try seems to either fall flat or blow up in your face.

You dream of those big time riches you see others having. You even set goals trying reach the next level. For a little while the *hit* of a new idea or new business model intoxicates you.

You think “this next time, it’s going to be it.”

But, it never is. Time after time, disappointment after disappointment.

Why do you try so hard and dream so big but still don’t see results?

It’s because…

You Don’t Really See Yourself Living The Good Life

Sometimes it seems like you’re dreaming up a life for someone else– you’re detached from it, even though you want it. You don’t really see yourself being wealthy and happy once reality sets in. You can’t see yourself living any other way except the way you’re living right now.

There’s a disconnect between what you want and what your mindset is allowing you to have.

You want more money, but you don’t see yourself ever having that breakthrough.

You dream of more success, but you don’t really see yourself ever achieving it.

Part of the problem is because you’ve lived one way for so long. Can you make changes and live a life that doesn’t really feel like yours?

You can’t do it with your current mindset, but…

You Still Desperately Want A Better, Easier, Wealthier Life…

Can it happen for you? Can you will the money and success to come to you?

You know it’s possible– you’ve seen it happen before. You’ve seen all the rags to riches stories where people just like you (even people who are worse off) seem to make it big virtually overnight. They (seemingly) haven’t had any problems, so why should you?

What you don’t see is what happened behind the scenes. You don’t see the struggle and work that went into turning that person into someone you admire. You don’t see the journey that person took to grab hold of their life and change it.

We all experience the world in different ways. We have had different childhoods and different journeys to get to where we are today.

The good news is that no matter where you’ve come from, you can get to where you want to go.

What’s the difference between those who are suddenly wealthy, happy, and enviably successful? In many cases they’ve simply had a mindset shift. They’ve been able to go from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset.

This is really important…

Successful People You Admire Have An Abundance Mindset

It’s the mindset that makes the difference, every time.

Why was that person able to come in and find success within 3 months? They have an abundance mindset– nothing is going to hold them back.

Why did it take that other person 10 years to find success? They had a scarcity mindset that held them back.

A scarcity mindset tells you there’s nothing there. That you can’t and won’t succeed. That there’s not enough money anyway and that you’ll never get your hands on it.

A Scarcity Mindset Is Death To Entrepreneurs

Your heart and soul are driving you in the direction of success. You have the plans and you really want to earn more and live the life of your dreams.

But your scarcity mindset kills those dreams.

Your scarcity mindset tells you that you can never change. It whispers in your ear that it’s scary and bad to change. It tells you that your high-flying dreams don’t suit you and that you don’t deserve them anyway.

And guess what? Deep down inside, there’s something in you that believes that stinkin’ thinkin’, and without knowing it, you begin to sabotage yourself in tiny but important ways.

What’s really sad is that you might not even be aware that this is happening. You’re desperate to find success, but your mindset will never let you. It’s as if you’re in a jail of your own creation.

Now, I’ve been in your shoes and I definitely don’t want you to give up hope. The first step is understanding just what your scarcity mindset is doing to you, and you’ve just done that.

You’re Aware. Now Here’s How You Make The Change…

The fact that you’re reading this right now puts you so far ahead of others who are trying and struggling to live an abundant lifestyle.

You know that you have a scarcity mindset and you’re willing to do anything to escape that.

What’s the answer?

There are some amazing action steps you can take, starting today, that will change your life.

It certainly took me a while to discover these steps. I’ve been in business for myself for a solid chunk of my life– I’m a born entrepreneur. But, I’ve had more than my fair share of ups and downs. It wasn’t until my back was up to the wall, desperate to create a financial windfall for myself that I knew I had to make some changes.

“I Had To Look My Scarcity Mindset In The Face And See It For What It Was”

It was zapping me of creative energy, confidence, and the life I was meant to live. It told me that I couldn’t take chances and that this “Internet business” thing wasn’t going to work.

But, I had to make it work. I didn’t have a choice. So I was forced to make a choice. Am I going to lie down or am I going to fight these thoughts and feelings?

I chose to fight.

I’ve always been extremely interested in mindset and why some people are so much more successful than others. It’s fascinating to me and it’s amazing that the “secrets” of abundance and having an amazing are all there for the taking. Still the study of “abundance” and success can be extremely hard to navigate.

I can trace it back almost a decade now, since I had that first hint of a mindset shift that allowed me to snowball these changes into an amazing life.

I’ve been hooked ever since.

I’m now constantly gathering information on abundance and mindset.

“I Study The Wealthiest And Most Successful People In The World To Learn Their Secrets Of Abundance”

It’s important to me to do this because I work with hundreds of people every day and have a first hand view of what people want and need to reach the next level.

It’s time for your breakthrough.

I’ve decided to compile the top action steps I’ve studied and used to find success so you can live life with an abundance mindset and find your own success. These action steps are not theory– they are solid, actionable, and time tested.

Do you want to live with scarcity? Do you want to find scarcity in your life, business, and bank account?

Or, do you want to live life abundantly? Do you want to find abundance and happiness in your life, business, and bank account?

I’m sure you’re choosing the latter– it’s an entrepreneur’s dream to be handed the keys to the castle, the “secret sauce” that’s going to change everything.

That’s exactly what this guide is for you.

“Here’s What You Need To Have An Abundance Mindset For Life-Changing Results”

I’m very proud of the guide I’ve put together for you. It explains everything to you in a very easy to understand way. I’m also giving you extremely powerful action steps you can use to have a total mindset shift, earning abundance and finding more happiness and wealth in your business and in your life.

Better than a “make a ton of money today” guide, this is what you need to be successful in business for the long haul, no matter what you do.

You’ll discover:

  • Why you dream big but can’t seem to make it big… and how to change that, today
  • How to choose perfect outcomes for an abundant life
  • How to really know exactly what you want and how to get it
  • Sneaky little tricks for improving your mindset right away

Listen, I know what it’s like to struggle and dream and hope. I work with dozens of people just like you every day. I work with people who have had next to no business success and others who have had some success but want so much more. I have designed this guide for you and for anyone who feels that they haven’t reached the level of success they want to reach.

You’ll also discover:

  • How giving can attract abundance into your life
  • How to come up with endless ideas to grow your business in exciting ways
  • How “hanging out” with the right people can catapult you to success (it’s not what you think)
  • Why you can ditch your past and create whatever life you want, starting today
  • How to become excited and confident about your new, abundant life
  • Why you don’t have to work more to earn a ton more money
  • How to boost your hourly income… fast

I’m really excited to offer this to you because it comes as a result of the frustration I see from so many. The tears, stress, and feeling that you’re going to be crushed before you achieve your dreams. I want that to change for you, and I know this guide can help make that happen for you.

You’re Getting:

This is a full package complete with everything you need to move to an abundance mindset.

  • Abundance Guide
  • Abundance Action Step Workbook
  • How To Work Less And Earn More Action Guide
  • How To Boost Your Hourly Worth Action Guide

Incredible Information And Action Steps For Your Abundance Mindset

There are so many “mindset” books and courses out there that you could fill a library with them. I’ve made sure that this book is different, though. This isn’t just theory or stuff that may or may not apply to you as an entrepreneur. This guide , workbooks, and action guides were designed specifically for you.

I haven’t seen anything else on the market like this that addresses the scarcity mindset epidemic and gives you extremely actionable methods to move to an abundance mindset instead. This is it– prime, actionable information.

I’d considered releasing this at a relatively high price in a coaching or membership format. I still might do that– this information is best in the hands of those who are very serious about their business and want a life of abundance and wealth and are willing to invest.

In fact, I worry that if I release  this at too low of an investment, it won’t be appreciated, and will be considered just another “bright shiny object”.

But, I’m always extremely aware that fans of my products and often those who need this advice the most are really struggling right now, in one way or another. That’s why I’m releasing this product at a low early launch price so that anyone who needs this information can readily get their hands on it.

I’m extremely confident that this is going to help you– perhaps more than anything you’ve bought for your business before. This product could very well change your life, and it makes me smile with the possibility.

Do yourself a favor and put it into action so your new abundance mindset can work in your life.

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