10 Challenges

by Dennis Becker on February 6, 2014

Essential strategy takes your business to the next level…

“These 10 Simple 1-Day Challenges Can Double, Triple, or Even Quadruple Your Subscribers, Readers, And Even Your Income…”

Dear Friend,

imPossible conceptGetting through the day-to-day of business is…hard, to say the least.

If you’ve ever struggled to earn more money, get 100′s more subscribers, get to the next level, and establish yourself as the go-to leader in your niche, you’re certainly not alone.

You’re also not alone in failing to achieve your goals.

The good news is… Success. Is. Possible. So erase any thoughts that it’s not.

Getting Motivated Is A Pain…

It’s not as if you’re not trying. You work hard every day (or, at least when you have time to), you read all the latest strategies and dream big dreams.

But, you seem to be treading water. It’s really frustrating, but things seem to stay the same. In fact, you feel like you’ve made shockingly little progress, despite your hard work and your investment with money and time in your business.

Something has to give.

Right now, it feels like you’ll never quite reach the level you want to reach– you feel like your income and success is stuck standing still. You desperately want something to come along to really shake things up, but it hasn’t yet.

It’s Because Your Business Is Boring

I don’t mean to say you’re not doing things that could potentially be exciting. I’m sure you are– Internet marketing is an exciting business with nearly unlimited possibilities for those who are willing to work and use the best strategies and information.

You need a little spice in your life to get back on track.

Think about your average work day. What do you really get done? It’s incredible, but it’s normal to waste a ton of time when you’re supposed to be “working.”

Are You Wasting These Precious Hours Every Week?…

This happens without you even realizing it. The New York Times reports on a Microsoft study that shows the typical worker clocks 45 hours per week, but actually wastes 16 of those hours.

Powerhouse work productivity guru Steve Pavlina has shown that the typical worker really only clocks 1.5 hours per day, as mentioned in the above article.

It’s extremely hard to meet your goals when you’re only working around 1.5 hours a day, right?

On the other hand, you don’t really want to work constantly. No one wants to live a life where all you do is work, from sun up to sun down. You want to earn a lot of money and still have plenty of time left over to travel and spend with your family, right?

So, what’s the answer? How are you going to earn $1,000′s more per month, grow your subscriber list by 1,000′s AND live the dream of the “4 hour workweek?”

Here’s The Answer To Motivation And Getting So Much More Done

I completely understand where you’re coming from. I’ve wavered between being a complete work-a-holic and wanting to just throw the computer out the window because I was so fed up with the daily grind.

I wondered how “other” marketers do it. I wondered how some of the most successful marketers manage to release new products on a weekly basis while simultaneously get 100′s of new subscribers a week, growing a huge podcast subscriber base, releasing a ton of videos, gathering affiliates by the handful, and so on.

Have they somehow managed to get more hours in a day than the rest of us?

They haven’t, as a matter of fact– believe me, I’ve checked.

The Best And The Brightest Challenge Themselves On A Daily Basis…

What the most successful people in Internet marketing have managed to do, however is set incredible challenges for themselves that really take them beyond what the “typical” worker can do.

It’s sort of incredible. Some of the marketers who subscriber to the challenge business model work just 2 or 3 days per week and spend the rest of the time goofing off. They’re able to do that because they are hyper-focused, ultra-productive, and know that everything they’re doing is going to bring insane profits.

Some of the things these marketers do truly astonished me. Writing 30 articles in a day? Recording 10 audio trainings in a day and turning those into 10 articles, 10 videos, 10 blog posts, 10 emails and an ebook for sale… still all in one day?

The more I read about this incredible IM challenges, the more intrigued I became. These marketers were getting more done in just one day than I sometimes got done all week… or even all month.

“What Would Happen If I Set Up Challenge Days For Myself?

I started to wonder what could happen if I decided to start setting up challenge days for myself? Could I rack up enough autoresponder emails to last for a month? Could I turn one project into something that would serve me 10 times over, in just a day?

I got to reading, and brainstorming. Most importantly of all, I got to action.

I’ve spent a lot of time researching mindset, efficiency, and (perhaps most importantly) ways the typical Internet marketer can dramatically improve their income.

As someone who’s been in business for myself in some form or another for a solid chunk of my life, I consider myself an expert on the topic of business self-improvement.

Based on my experiences and the challenges I’ve set for myself (many people comment on my crazy-prolific product creation schedule, my awesomely loyal affiliates, and my incredibly value-packed memberships), I now know that…

Challenges Are The #1 Way To Quickly Grow Your Business

I’m not talking about boring challenges that are going to make your eyes glaze over.

And I’m not talking about challenges that take so long that you have to sacrifice everything else for 30 days, 2 weeks, even a week, while falling behind on everything to the extent that when the challenge ends, you’re totally swamped.

I’m talking about challenges you’ll be really excited about. These are challenges that are going to give you a whole new outlook on your business. These are challenges that are going to pay off HUGE… with just one day of work.

That’s the big thing. None of us want to be tied to our computer for days on end.

What if you could front load your work and get more done in one day than you usually get done in one week?

What if you could work more efficiently and more expertly so the work you do pays off much, much more?

These are things I’ve managed to accomplish… and,

I’m Prepared To Tell You Exactly How You Can Do It…

I can write a dozen or more high quality articles per day, if I choose to challenge myself in that way.

I can write an entire week’s (or even month’s) worth of blog posts, if I choose to do so.

I can create a single audio that will pay off for me in 10 different ways, if that’s what I want to do that day.

Consider how many clients, customers, subscribers, and readers you have right now. What if I told you that…

Taking A Few “Challenge” Days Per Month Could Add $100′s Or Even $1,000′s To Your Bottom Line

That would certainly be worth your time.

The fact is that challenging yourself works. It works whether you’ve been in business for 30 years or you’re brand new to business. It works whether you’re a writer, or a speaker, or a techie, or a teacher, or a consultant, or a niche marketer, or an affiliate marketer, or a Kindle marketer… it works no matter what you do online.

There are so many ways you can challenge yourself. All you have to do is set a goal related to a high profit business activity that will stretch your limits and give you massive returns for just one day’s work.

I fully realize that you might not be sure of exactly what you can do. Maybe you don’t feel like you have a good grasp on challenges that can help or you work best with a “do this, do that” blueprint.

Maybe you need the motivation to follow through.

You want to know if these challenges work? I challenge you to take them on.

I’ve Laid Out 10 Challenges You Can Use Starting Today To Earn More, Do More, And Reach More People

Rise to the Challenge 3d Words Bravery CourageThere are 10 challenges in all– you can focus on just one of them or you can choose to focus on all of them (one at a time, of course).

The important thing is that you make it happen. Choose the challenge you’re most drawn to and stick with it. This is truly a situation where you can’t go wrong.

You can’t fail when you follow these challenges. I’ve perfectly formulated them to help you succeed. I’ve combined my experience in business with what’s working now for Internet marketers.

I know you’re not supposed to guarantee results in sales letters, and obviously the results you see depend on the effort you put in and a variety of other factors.

But that being said, I can guarantee you this…

Condensing Your Effort Into A Single Day Can Work Like Gangbusters

I’m not going to be very specific about the challenges in this letter, because that’s for the readers to find out. But I am going to be specific about what just might happen if you grab hold and bust through on these challenges:

Challenge 1:

It’s Sorta Like Magic…

This challenge has you *magically* turn 1 thing into 5 powerful, highly profitable things.

You’ll be able to:

  • Get more traffic
  • Get more sales
  • Save yourself time and effort
  • Provide a ton more value
  • Be seen as even more of an expert in your niche

By the end of this 1-day challenge, you’ll be able to sit back and relax, because you’ll have created FIVE profit centers in the time it used to take to create one.

This challenge is best for: Product creators, coaches, content creators


Challenge 2:

Create Something Very Profitable Out Of Nothing

This challenge will help you enter any profitable, marketable niche you’d like and create a high quality product, out of nothing, in just one day.

You’ll be able to:

  • Showcase yourself as an expert in any niche
  • Get a ton of interested affiliates
  • Make fast sales
  • Instantly increase the value of your assets
  • Create content you can profit from today and many more ways in the future

This challenge is best for: Writers, experts, product creators, those wanting the business model I’d choose if I were just starting out (or if I had to start all over again)


Challenge 3:

Make Sales Just By Recommending Stuff

This challenge will help you quickly build a passive income funnel that allows you to write what you want, recommend what you want, and get paid for it.

You’ll be able to:

  • Find a great niche where people are buying things left and right
  • Make sales on products that aren’t yours
  • Never deal with customer service hassles
  • Earn a passive income over time
  • Establish yourself as the product recommendation expert in your niche

This challenge is best for: Techies, writers, those who want a passive income, and anyone who wants to challenge themselves to start a new, profitable project.


Challenge 4:

Get Crazy Traffic And Respect In Any Niche

This challenge is essential– you need traffic no matter what you’re doing or which niche you’re in. Get traffic in droves and build long lasting relationships… it all starts with this 1-day challenge.

You’ll be able to:

  • Dominate some of the top sites in your niche
  • Use free platforms to drive massive traffic to your websites and products
  • Establish relationships with hot marketers who can take you places
  • Develop long lasting relationships with readers, clients, customers, and fans that will last for a lifetime

This challenge is best for: Everyone in Internet Marketing. This challenge is essential for your success.


Challenge 5:

Make A Scene

People on the Internet LOVE video. It’s time to make a splash in your niche with this unique video challenge.

You’ll be able to:

  • Drive a ton of traffic… traffic that will last for months or even years
  • Catch the attention of a whole new group of customers
  • Sell more products and grow your list
  • Take advantage of one of the very best traffic sources on the web.

This challenge is best for: Everyone in Internet marketing, video marketers, product creators, and affiliate marketers.


Challenge 6:

Write Your Heart Out

Content is the key to every online business. It’s time to use this super simple method to create so much content it’ll make your head spin.

You’ll be able to:

  • Drive traffic and pre-sell your readers to make money now
  • Let your personality and expertise shine through, taking your business to a new level
  • Take time off from writing content for the rest of the month if you want to… you’re going to get it all done today

This challenge is best for: Everyone in Internet marketing, affiliate marketers, product creators, content marketers, and more.


Challenge 7:

Get Others To Do The Work For You

There are so many ways to make more sales of your products. Many of them take a lot of stress, time, or money. You know what doesn’t? Getting other people to promote your products for you. Use today’s challenge to make that happen, fast.

You’ll be able to:

  • Grow your income in a fairly hands-off fashion, after today
  • Get a ton of people by your side, ready to promote whenever you launch a new product
  • Grow your list and fill it full of active, proven buyers

This challenge is best for: Product creators and those who take my advice and become product creators.


Challenge 8:

Can You Earn $500 By The End Of The Day?

There are a ton of “fast money” products out there. Can you trust those products? Usually not… but I have enough experience to know that just about anyone can have $500 emergency cash in hand by the end of the day, if they’re creative enough and have the right how-to information. It’s not a pie-in-the-sky dream, it’s a reality with these very smart ideas. There are no tricks here, so don’t think in that direction.

You’ll be able to:

  • Earn money quickly in case of an emergency
  • Earn extra money when you feel like doing so
  • Use your skills in new and creative ways
  • Stretch the limits of what is possible for you on a daily basis

This challenge is best for: Anyone who needs extra cash, those who enjoy offering services, offline marketers, writers, graphic artists, product creators, and more.


Challenge 9:

Ensure Your Success For The Next Several Months

It’s one thing to be successful with a 1-day challenge, but what if that challenge could secure your success for the next several months? That’s what’s going to happen for you with this challenge.

You’ll be able to:

  • Quickly get motivated to become a high earning, product creation machine
  • Instantly eliminate writer’s block
  • Take all the pressure off when it comes to product creation
  • Dramatically grow your income with surefire ideas and the power to follow them through

This challenge is best for: Product creators, those interested in product creation, writers, and more.


Challenge 10:

Pump Up Your Passive Income

Passive income is something that starts slowly and can grow into something massive. Small isn’t anything to bulk at… I think you’re going to be pretty happy with these passive income plans.

You’ll be able to:

  • Grow your passive income over time
  • Expand your Internet marketing horizons
  • Work up to a full time passive income, using a series of 1-day challenges, if you prefer

This challenge is best for: Anyone who wants a passive income, those just getting started, and more.


You’re Getting:

These 10 challenges work together to give you a tasty buffet of challenges that will grow your business in new and exciting ways. It doesn’t matter what your focus is in Internet marketing, there’s something here for you.

Each of these challenges takes just one day to complete and succeed with. You can repeat the challenges as often as you’d like. In fact, I recommend you do certain challenges at least monthly.

The power here is incredible. Challenges motivate you unlike anything else. I’m also giving you the tools and strategies you need to work better, faster, and smarter.

This package includes:

  • The 10 Challenges Book
  • The 10 Challenges Action Guide
  • The Daily Planner
  • The Monthly Planner

10 Challenges To Boost Your Internet Marketing Business

Are you ready bannerThese 10 challenges could easily be broken off and sold as mini-products on their own. In combination, they are even more powerful. You can mix and match the methods and completely tailor them to fit what you need from your business. I even teach you how to quickly craft custom challenges to get you to where you need to go.

If I were to release this as a high level coaching challenge course, I’d certainly expect to charge a premium. In fact, that’s something I might consider going in the future.

If I were to release each of these challenges on their own, they’d each make a nice $5 Friday special offer. That, too, is something I might do.

That brings me to now. Here we have premium content that’s worth quite a fortune, in the right hands. Even at the lowest, most bargain bottom price on 10 potential 5-Buck Friday deals, we’re looking at a very generous charge of $50.

$50 sounds about right for a product of this caliber. In fact, if you can’t improve your business by many, many times that, you’re likely not trying hard enough.

But, I’m a huge fan of getting high-value, high-action ideas into as many hands as possible. So, while I reserve the right to change my mind in the near future, this is available now for an unbelievable price (see below).

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