What to Know before Joining a Coaching Program

by admin on February 28, 2013

What to Know before Joining a Coaching Program

Can you benefit from a coaching program? Probably. But only if you approach it the right way. In this seminar, Jason Fladlien breaks down for you who should and shouldn’t consider a coaching program… and if you do get coaching, how to get the most value out of it.

“How Would You Like To Follow In The Footsteps Of An Internet Marketing All-Star?”

Dear friend,

In 2009, 2 young Internet marketing rock stars undertook an effort to produce 165 seminar quality video sessions (20 or more minutes each), as the content for a membership site named DailySeminar.com.

The content was meant to be delivered, along with other materials, on a 5-day a week basis, for 13 months.

Not only did these guys do it, they did it in less than 4 months.

The two men who accomplished this amazing endeavor, which many did not think they could achieve, are Jason Fladlien and Robert Plank. If you’re already familiar with either of these two remarkable men, then you don’t need any further convincing of their brilliance.

Through his talent and skill, Jason’s online success shot from 0 to 60. After working online for only a few years, he is already projected to earn $1,000,000 in sales this year! And Robert is equally as successful, having purchased his own house while still in his early 20’s.

Both Jason and Robert have pristine reputations and are regularly invited to speak at high-end marketing conferences. In a nutshell, if you want to know something…anything…about Internet marketing, then these two are the men to go to.

With that said, let’s get back to Jason and Robert’s amazing collaboration…

The Daily Seminar Videos – High-Ticket Products For Multiple Niches

For each of the 55 weeks, both Jason and Robert created a standalone presentation and then they also got together to produce a joint interview (two heads really are better than one). Then, they sold seats to their presentations for the price of $47 a month.

Many of the people who purchased presentation seats were dubious that Jason and Robert were going to be able to stick to their ambitious schedule. The two men, however, proved all of their skeptics wrong and then some.

You see, not only did these two young guns complete their 13 month long project…they finished early, and it was more successful than anyone thought possible, well, except for Jason and Robert, of course 😉

Most membership sites have high turnover rates with members typically remaining for just 3 to 4 months. Yet, with Jason and Robert’s Daily Seminar project, the dropout rate was insignificant, owing to the high-caliber of content they were providing.

Now, the 55 weeks have come and gone and after putting their blood, sweat, and tears into producing the 165 Daily Seminar videos, Jason and Robert have decided to walk away from it all and sell their site to me.

What Did They Teach?

Although the videos were shot in 2009 and 2010, the topics were mainly “evergreen”. In other words, the information is still as valid today as it was years ago.

For example, videos about: copywriting, product creation, blogging, mindset, article marketing, joint ventures, email marketing, video marketing, programming with PHP (Robert’s specialty), success tips, newbie mistakes to avoid, and much more.

I’m now pleased to provide to you the opportunity to view one of the best seminars in the archives…

What to Know before Joining a Coaching Program

Can you benefit from a coaching program? Probably. But only if you approach it the right way. In this seminar, Jason Fladlien breaks down for you who should and shouldn’t consider a coaching program… and if you do get coaching, how to get the most value out of it.

Want More Like This?

If you would like to find more Daily Seminar videos (all of which also include mp3 audio, PDF transcripts, regular video, and iPod video), all you have to do is search through the posts for the Daily Seminar tag.

Download Now!

Jason and Robert are two bona fide renaissance men in the IM world. Their knowledge and expertise has been crafted and honed to cover a large variety of topics.

They each bang out at least one product a month, usually more. They do their own copywriting, and they’re experts at email marketing. Plus, Robert has a background in programming, and Jason is the top-dog when it comes to things like ghostwriting, product creation, and mindset.

So, no matter which one of their seminars you choose, you can rest assured that you will be receiving top-notch information!

(If you haven’t joined Product Drop yet, just click on the button below to sign up and get started, otherwise you can download this great seminar now)

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