Master The Simple Skill Of Discovering The Questions That People Will Pay You To Solve!
While you may have a lot of different reasons for doing what you do, there’s only one main reason
people will want to consume or read anything you create…it benefits them somehow – usually in the
form of providing answers to questions that they have an immediate need for answers to, or that have
been nagging them for days, months, or even years.
In simple terms, your success as a creator of information is largely dependent on how skilled you
are at relieving the mental or physical pains people have in their lives.
So, how do you do discover the pains they have, so you can provide solutions to them that they
will see as valuable, and worth spending their time or money on?
How do you get to the core of what’s going on in someone’s mind – their mindset, or the questions
they need answers to?
Well, if you’re personally interested in a niche or topic, chances are that, to some degree, you can
rely on your own knowledge and experience to draw from when it comes to creating content that
people in that niche will find valuable. After all, your problems are likely the same as theirs, and the
solutions you find will be just as valuable to them as they are to you.
But what if you know little to nothing about a niche?
How can you quickly go from knowing practically nothing about a niche, to having an exhaustive
list of topics and questions that the people in that niche wants answers to – you know, the stuff they’re
willing to pay for?
That’s what becoming a Brain Digger is all about, and that’s what this guide is going to teach you
how to do in a very short time.
I recently purchased the rights to pass along this great guide to you. Don’t assume that because the original copyright date is a while ago (2010) that the information inside is any less valuable. This is an absolutely great guide that will most likely help you research your future product creation or content creation needs immensely.