Short Report Magic

by admin on January 11, 2013

“Who Else Wants to Build an Email List, an Income, and an Empire, Simply by Creating Short Reports?”

I’ll show you exactly how to do the same thing I’ve been doing, and within an hour and 48 minutes you can be on your way to your very own infoproduct empire.


I’ll bet you’ve heard “on the Internet, content is king” over and over and over again.

Reason is… it’s true.

People come online with voracious appetites for all kinds of content: words, pictures, audios, videos.

As upload and download speeds get ever faster, so do the appetites. There’s no end in site.

So since people are looking, someone has to be providing, and that someone can be:

… you and me

With me so far?

Today I’m going to talk about the simplest content there is, but the one that sometimes gives the largest challenge:


Sure, it’s fun to snap a photo of a kitten or a baby doing funny things, uploading it to Facebook or Pinterest or a blog somewhere, but…

… How do you monetize that, in other words:  Show me the money!

So you can shoot a video of the baby or the kitten or the puppy dog doing cute things, and upload it to YouTube, and now you have a movie, but…

Again, show me the money!

Here’s the deal in one sentence…

The easiest and fastest way to build an income stream online is by putting together words that teach someone how to do something.


Spoken words can become podcasts, and sure, that works.

A bunch of words spoken on camera utilizing screen shots or Powerpoint presentations can become videos, and sure, that works.

But it all starts with words.

Let me explain something that has been working for me for over 2 years now.

I spent $340 to have someone write 34 short reports in 2010. Each report was between 800 and 1200 words long (most were on the lower end). Then I bundled them up, and did some internal things that took very little time.

Those 34 reports resulted in building an email list of around 5000 people (actually 4,960), and people still continue to join the list every day.

What could YOU do with a list of 4960 names?

Many IM’ers will tell you an email list, monetized properly, is worth approximately a dollar a month per name.

So we’re talking around $5000 a month in value and growing.  And in case you’re wondering, yes, many of the people that have joined the list over the years have unsubscribed, the 5000 number is the number of people STILL actively subscribed.

And there are actually a lot more than 5000 people in possession of the reports, and… those reports are well monetized above and beyond the email list..

That’s just one example of what can be done with words.

Did I need to spend $340 to put those short reports together?

Absolutely not, it was a choice between spending my time or a relatively small amount of money. I chose to spend the money.

I’ve kept my method of building that 5000 name list a secret since 2010, and now it’s time to share with you:

Short Report Magic

See, there’s more than one thing you can do with short reports.

  • You can use them like I did to build a list, by giving the reports away.
  • You can use them, also like I did with those reports, as affiliate tools (you’ll see how I did that inside Short Report Magic).
  • Of course you don’t have to give your reports away. You can create short reports quickly and sell them.
  • You can use also short reports as bonuses to entice people to purchase other products.
  • You can use those short reports as scripts for podcasts or videos, like I mentioned before.
  • You can use those short reports for blog posts (and link bait), in order to build a following in your niche, generating backlinks and traffic to your site (which of course you’ll monetize in other ways).
  • You can bundle several short reports as chapters in a longer report, more valuable, more income to you.
  • You can take those bundled reports and format them into a Kindle book, letting Amazon market your book(s) for you, giving you ongoing income.
  • You can upload the individual reports to document sharing sites, generating huge amounts of traffic and backlinks.
  • You can use those short reports as content for a simple membership site, again resulting in ongoing income.
  • And a lot more.

But you probably already know all this… here’s what’s super important:

For years I’ve been teaching and preaching the theory of incremental progress.

The theory, or the magic really, comes from doing little things on a consistent basis, day after day, soon becoming a habit.

In this case, that means writing short reports, day after day, which leads to all the benefits and goodness mentioned above.

Let’s begin today.

Inside Short Report Magic, you’ll learn:

  • how to choose a market for your short reports (3 simple rules)
  • how to find the perfect idea for a short report (it’s easier than you might think)
  • how to create a great title for your short report
  • how to create those short reports to sell to them (or give to them if you prefer) using a 5-step method
  • how to cash in on your own money-making information business

I’ve put together Short Report Magic as a step by step guide, including 31 very short lessons.

Depending on your time and desire, you can go through one lesson per day for a month, and at the end, you’ll be well on your way to succeeding.

But really, each lesson is short enough that you’ll find that you can finish more than one in a day.  Some will only take you a few minutes to understand, and then you can more on.

Short Report Magic itself is not a short report. It’s around 80 pages in length, but it teaches you how to write typical (7 to 15 page) short reports of your own, from the ground up.

From idea to sales page.

From thought to income.

Grab Short Report Magic today, and begin building your empire.


With your purchase today, you will receive 5 actual reports, written by the same author that I used when I had my reports written, that I have never previously used.

You have private label rights to these reports, which means you can use them to build your own list, or just as templates and samples of the types of content and formatting that has been proven to work.

These reports were written for me at a cost of $10 each, you get them for free with purchase of Short Report Magic.


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