REAL CASE STUDIES – From Teacher To Famous Businesswoman

by Brad Gosse on November 16, 2011

Like all successful entrepreneurs, Jennifer saw an enormous problem in her field of education as an 8th grade school teacher.

Teachers today are still the most important component of the learning process but they are literally overwhelmed with information to the point where it actually hinders their effectiveness.

Having felt the pain of info overload in her job, Jennifer used her computer science skills (from her degree) to construct a team and devise a software solution that made information management easy and INCREDIBLY powerful in the learning process.

The Case Study

Banking on the boom of web based learning and teaching concepts, Jennifer built a working model of a new software system that structured every teacher’s crazy schedule into a 5 part manageable platform capable of scaling and matching every teacher’s unique needs.

This case study is a powerful story you can share with any existing customer or prospective customer when it comes to the world of online business and the software industry.

Not only can you use this case study to highlight the huge potential of online business, you can stamp your own branding as the author of the report to boost your own credibility.

Here are the full details…

Read And Then Resell/Rebrand This Case Study As Your Own

Along with the PDF, we are also giving you a 100% rebrandable version of this case study that you can give to your offline clients, send to your list, or bundle it with an offer you have to sweeten the deal.

Simple. I am going to share with you, a case study for how one passionate school teacher – turned entrepreneur used one idea, the web and her software background to build a platform that has the potential to be used by millions of people. Her business went from $0 to $30,000 in 2010 and is expected to generate nearly $250,000 in 2011.

Can I actually use this material in my business?

If you can’t apply some of these real world business concepts in your own business then you either lack the fundamentals skills to succeed online or you’re unwilling to do what it takes to make it.

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