REAL CASE STUDIES – 2 People Go From $0 To $390,000 using YouTube!?

by Brad Gosse on November 9, 2011

From $0 To $390,000 Using ONLY Youtube For Marketing!
When Focus And Attention To Detail Pay Off

Have you grown frustrated with all the marketing methods being touted in the wide array of products sold online?

If so, your frustration is not suffered in isolation. Many people are in the exact same boat.

All it takes is some creativity.

One woman came up with the idea to take her company viral using twitter. Anyone who has a product to give away can likely repeat this process.

She didn’t re-invent the wheel, and she wasn’t a guru. She knew she could leverage social media to generate new business, set out to prove it and delivered results.

How would YOU like to pull $80k this week?

The Problem?

Too many aspiring internet marketers spend all of their time on the marketing channels and very little time actually being “good at what they do”.

Being Good AND Marketing Well

When you combine a tangible skill set with the totally perfect marketing medium for a business, that’s where legendary companies are built.

Matt and Jordan were 2 talented dudes with a simple yet powerful idea that they put together in 2008.

They opened their Youtube channel in September 2008.

By the end of the year, their company was profitable.

The following year they grossed $390,000 in sales.

In 2011 they now boast a laundry list of well known heavy hitting companies as their clients.

How did they pull it all together?
 Find out in our latest case study!

Read And Then Resell/Rebrand This Case Study As Your Own

Along with the PDF, we are also giving you a 100% rebrandable version of this case study that you can give to your offline clients, send to your list or bundle it with an offer you have to sweeten the deal.

How does this benefit me?

Simple. I am going to share with you, a case study for how one internet company used ONLY youtube to generate a TON of new sales with NO real marketing budget to speak of.

Can I actually use this material in my business?

If you can’t apply some of these real world business concepts in your own business then you either lack the fundamentals skills to succeed online or you’re unwilling to do what it takes to make it.

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