Niche List Success System

by Dennis Becker on January 30, 2013

Finally… secrets to building profitable email lists in any niche, simply by understanding…

“How to make money by improving your barbeque manners!”

Dear fellow marketer,

We’ve all heard for years that “the money is in the list”.

In other words, if you build a list of followers that know, like, and trust you, then you’ll see profits.

Some marketers brag about the size of their list, and show pictures of their PayPal accounts, their boat, their cars, their fancy house.

Yeah, sure. Build a list and profit.

Easier said than done?  Maybe.

OK, definitely.

For several years now, I’ve been building email lists, some big, some small, some profitable, some not.  But more than that, after all these years, I’ve learned that lists are, above all else…


People that have given their trust to me, for a little while, conditionally, and expect me to continue to earn that trust.

It’s the same thing for any person who attempts to use lists for marketing, including, of course, you.

It’s like when someone new moves into your neighborhood.  You might invite them to your barbeque, and you see what they’re like.  Do they brag?  Do they tell off color jokes?  Do they smell?  Do they eat all the ribs and leave nothing for anyone else?  Do they drink too much?

And if so, they’re unwelcome next time…  “unsubscribed” from your list of friends.

When you set up that email list, you’re like the new guy or girl in the neighborhood.  You’re asking people to allow you into their inbox to show them what you’ve got.

And if what you’ve got is what they want, you can be a welcome guest for a long long time.

It isn’t easy, but it’s simple

It’s simple to set up an email list, but it’s not so easy to get people to join and stay and know, like and trust you.

That’s why I’ve put together s report titled “The Niche List Success System”

Over the years, one of the most common questions I’ve heard from the thousands of people I’ve interacted with have been “How do I get traffic to my web site” and “How do I build a responsive email list?”.

The answer to both?  If you build it, they will come… NOT!

Niche List Success System answers the second question, and beyond that, the best way to drive traffic to your web site is to send out an email to your list, so in essence, it answers both.

What will you learn?

Inside NLSS, you’ll find:

  • reasons to build a list
  • technical requirements for building the list
  • creating optin incentives
  • how do you know what your market wants?
  • building your reputation
  • improving deliverability
  • how often should you mail?
  • getting traffic to your optin page
  • getting people to open your emails
  • and more, much more…

These techniques work spectacularly in any niche you can imagine, but since building a list in the Internet marketing (make money) niche is slightly different, I’ve also included a separate section on how to build an email list using the Warrior Forum, just in case you want to try to break into that niche yourself.

Niche List Success System is the result of years of work building my own lists…

Years where I made mistakes, and started over.

Years when I didn’t do what I’m teaching now, and regretted it.

Years when I neglected some of the essential building blocks of the relationship building system and lost huge amounts of money.

But lists aren’t just about money, are they?

No. You’ve read where marketers tell you that if you build an email list, each address is worth a dollar a month.


I know successful marketers with very small lists that make over $100,000 a year from a tiny list.

And I know marketers that make far less money from lists 10, 20, 30 times as large.

What is the one group doing better than the other?

Inside Niche List Success System, you’ll find out.

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