Kindle Optimization

by Dennis Becker on October 22, 2014


Kindle Authors And Publishers…

“These Little Known Optimization Tips Are The Fastest, Easiest Way To Unleash A Fountain Rush Of Kindle Book Sales”

It’s A Lot Like Having A “Magic” Wand For Kindle…

Dear Friend,

You’ve heard all the talk about succeeding with Amazon Kindle and you’re desperate to make it happen for you. It’s hard not to want that for yourself– it’s all people seem to talk about these days because it’s clearly an amazing opportunity (if only you could crack the code).

You may have tried your hand at Kindle already… maybe publishing a book or two.

Publishing On Kindle Makes You Nervous…

But it’s most likely that you’ve stopped before you ever really got started, and it’s probably due to fear, uncertainty, and that heaping helping of self-doubt you feel.

You know some people earn a ton with Kindle, but you wonder how in the world you’re ever going to become successful with Kindle.

You don’t want to waste your time and not get any results.

In fact…

You Wish There Were A Way To Guarantee Your Results

Wouldn’t it be great if you could snap your fingers and have instant Kindle success?

But still, you can’t get rid of the itch to succeed on Kindle…it’s got you, and you want to succeed.

Is it worth even trying?

Sure it is… you’re very motivated to make this work, you just have to figure out how you’re going to do it.

After all…

Marketers, Writers, And Small Business Owners Can Benefit From Kindle

You’re interested in Kindle for one of two reasons.

1. You’re a small business owner or online marketer who wants to use Kindle as a promotional tool, to establish credibility.
2. You’re a writer and you’ve always dreamed of publishing your books.

There’s perhaps a third category in there too—maybe you want to learn how to succeed with Kindle so you can turn it into a business itself. Whether you consider yourself to be a writer or not, there’s no denying that many people work their way up to a full time income by publishing on Kindle.

Maybe you’ve even published a few books already. Maybe you have your first book ready to publish. Or maybe, this is still just a dream for you.

You really want to succeed, but it can be so frustrating to read those big, fancy sales letters some marketers have out and to realize that it all seems so far out of your reach.

The tell you that “Amazon will promote your book for you!” They tell you that “all you have to do is hit publish!” to succeed.

Some ‘Kindle Gurus’ Don’t Have Your Best Interests At Heart

Sadly, many of those people may not have your best interests at heart.

They tell you that it’s so “super-easy” to find success on Kindle, but perhaps the big secret is that you really have to optimize if you want to succeed. What does that mean? We’ll get to that in just a moment (this is big time important…).

For now, let’s talk more about your hopes and dreams. Whether you consider yourself to be primarily a writer or primarily a marketer, Kindle stands tall in front of you, looming as the perfect opportunity.

You want to take advantage of it…but you feel like you can’t. Maybe you don’t have a big budget available to market your books or maybe you’re just to scared to hit the publish button.

But, I have to ask you…

“How are you going to succeed if you never try?”

If you do try, how are you going to ensure you succeed?

That’s something I had to ask myself, too.

For me, Kindle became one of those buzzwords that I saw fall into my inbox every day. Marketers were telling me that they had the secret—that Kindle was going to be an easy path to success.

I was intrigued, sure. But it took me a while to actually care about publishing on Kindle. I was busy with an already-successful business and I like to believe I’ve grown immune to the latest buzzwords.

But I didn’t want to be silly about it, either. I had some books already self-published and already successful. I figured Amazon Kindle could be another avenue where I could publish.

So, I published 5 Bucks A Day Revisited– a book (along with its predecessor) that has been extremely successful through my own publishing efforts. I also started to publish under a pen name.

The results were good, but I started to realize something. I started to see that…

Those who were most successful on Kindle, and Kindle alone, were doing some very specific things

What they do on Amazon instantly stands out and grabs sales like crazy. That’s what I wanted more of.

I realized…you can’t just publish your book as-is on Kindle and guess your way through listing it.

You can’t just use any old book description on Amazon and expect your book to sell, for example.

You can’t just choose any old book title and expect to show up in the search results of Amazon and Google.

And, even if you do those things right, there’s a certain way you should handle your actual book content or you’re leaving a LOT of potential money on the table.

Optimizing for kindle sales really only takes minutes to do

(once you know what you’re doing…)

I realized that there was a heck of a lot that I was leaving out. There were a lot of things that wouldn’t really take but minutes to do, but would have a dramatic effect on my Kindle sales. I was obsessed with following the trail of success, for clues.

So, I got to work. I wanted to uncover all of the very best things I SHOULD be doing to maximize sales on Kindle.

I studied the courses and made tweaks. I paid attention to what really successful authors, both fiction and non-fiction were doing and how.

I read websites, books, courses, case studies, and more so I’d know how the most successful Kindle authors do it

Slowly, and through a certain verification process of my own, I came up with a list of must-do optimization steps, based on what’s working for the bestselling authors on Kindle, right now.

I work with many online marketers and writers every day. So many of them are frustrated and don’t know what to do when it comes to succeeding on Kindle.

Finally, I believe I have some really great answers for them.

I have some great answers for you. Whether you’re a marketer or a writer, whether you already have books up on Kindle or not, I’m going to present you with everything you need to do to optimize your Kindle books and listings so you can maximize sales.

If you implement these tips, your chances of success can dramatically improve

I didn’t want to keep these optimization ‘secret’s’ I’ve uncovered to myself. It did take a lot of work to study the most successful Kindle authors and publishers around and analyze what you MUST do if you want the highest chance of success.

That’s why this guide is for you. It was written for you so you could get a running start when it comes to Kindle publishing. I wanted you to know that you don’t have to struggle and fail with Kindle… you can succeed.

I’m going to give you one of the biggest and most important tips right now…

That’s so you can use it whether you grab this limited guide or not. Call it an act of good faith, okay?

This tip might cost me some sales, but it will also ensure that only those who are the most sincere about succeeding on Kindle follow through and buy it.

Leave the ones who aren’t as serious as you to flounder, okay? If you take the following tip to heart, you’ll already be ahead of MOST Kindle marketers out there.


The tip is that, even if you do everything “right” you might not have immediate success. Now, I’ve had brand new books publish and make a sale within a day or so of publishing with no marketing at all. But, that doesn’t always happen.

The most successful marketers know that, with Kindle, it’s often a “slow and steady wins the race” sort of thing.

So, don’t give up if you publish and don’t see sales immediately. Stick with it, follow my optimization tips, keep writing, writing, writing, and publish, publish, publish.

Write, publish, write, publish, and optimize all the way

That’s how you learn what works and that’s how you succeed.

Rinse and repeat.

That’s how the really successful people do it.

They don’t succeed by publishing just one book. They don’t succeed by giving up after one book.

They succeed by optimizing their books the right way. They succeed by publishing books that were carefully chosen, and by optimizing those books to the extreme (it’s easier than you think).

Are you ready to succeed with Kindle?

You’ve read this far, so I know you are.

I promise that these steps aren’t difficult.

I want you to build a real business on Kindle (whether you consider yourself to be mainly a writer or mainly a marketer—there’s room enough for everyone!).

You’re going to discover:

  • Exactly what every business should be doing when it comes to marketing on Kindle (and why EVERY business SHOULD have books up on Kindle)
  • How to use Kindle books to build a list (in a way that actually works… you’ll be thrilled about this)
  • What to do if you’ve already tried and failed with Kindle (don’t give up yet, you’ll get excited again when you know this)

Now sure what you’ll write about?

  • You’ll discover how to choose a niche you can all but guarantee success with (avoid a major, major mistake many Kindle authors make)
  • Exactly how to “beat” the top ranking books in your niche (they’ll wonder how you do it…)
  • How to get your readers to “tell” you exactly what they want, and what they’re ready to pay for
  • How to optimize your content to get more sales and readers (you haven’t heard this before)

There’s even more:

  • Exactly how to choose a hot selling title for your Kindle book (this is a MUST for all Kindle authors)
  • Important things you need to know about choosing your Kindle cover (It’s easier than you think to optimize this for maximum sales)
  • Little-known tricks to instantly dress up your book’s description (it’s easier than you think, but most people don’t know about this easy way to make a lot more sales with your Kindle books)
  • How to get a ton of people to download your books… AND how to build your list as you do it
  • Exactly how to choose the best category for your book (and how this simple change can lead to a dramatic boost in your sales)

It doesn’t stop there:

  • The #1 secret you need to know to make more sales (this is what ALL successful authors have in common, and what most newbie Kindle authors totally ignore)
  • The “spider web” method to making more sales
  • How to get more reviews to your Kindle books the RIGHT way (try to get reviews the wrong way and you’ll fail)
  • How to get Amazon to push your book for youit’s NOT automatic like some other people try to sell you on
  • What to do to the front and the back of your books to grow your business, make more sales, and build a better relationship with your readers
  • Important steps you need to take over time to maximize your sales

You’re Going To Love Every Minute Of This

I fully realize that’s a lot to take in. You’re probably wondering how on earth you’re going to be able to put all of the pieces of the puzzle together.

There’s a LOT that goes into optimizing your books for Kindle, right?

There is. But honestly, once you do it the first time, you’ll SMILE because it’s so simple.

You DON’T have to work harder to make more sales with your Kindle books. In many cases, you’ll actually work less.

Why? Because what you’ll be doing to your books is actually what works. There’s no more guessing or floundering when it comes to Kindle. Everything you need is laid out for you.

It’s my goal to make things as easy as possible for you. That’s why I’ve put together some incredible extras that will give you even more of a boost as you work through the process.

You’re getting checklists and extras that help you absolutely every step of the way.

You’re getting:

The main report

  • Kindle “front matter” template
  • Kindle “back matter” template
  • Kindle description HTML template
  • Kindle Goal Setting Worksheet
  • Kindle Niche Selection Worksheet
  • Kindle Optimization Checklist
  • Kindle Promo Checklist

Kindle is super hot right now. It seems like everyone is coming out with their own Kindle guide.

What sets this one apart? It doesn’t tell you how to write a Kindle book. It tells you:

exactly what to do so you can maximize your results with every Kindle book you publish

It shows you how to build a real business with Kindle or boost the one you have.

I’m 100% positive that you’re going to benefit from this guide. Whether you’re already a Kindle author or not, every business owner needs to be on Kindle. Every writer or wannabe writer needs to be on Kindle.

It’s an amazing opportunity and it’s time to make the most of it.

You’re going to love these simple optimization tricks you can put into action right away.

Dramatically Improve Your Kindle Results

How much am I charging for this great guide? Kindle is an amazing opportunity and learning how to maximize your efforts there is priceless. Even just one of the many, many tips you’ll read can dramatically improve your results.

I’m all about getting the best information into the hands of those who are going to take it and profit with it.

I also love getting the best deals into the hands of early action takers. That’s why, for a limited time, you can get this Kindle guide for a special discount.

I know you’re going to see the value right away—go ahead and download it, now.

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