Copy Cheats

by Dennis Becker on October 17, 2011

“Take The Brains Of The World’s Best Copywriters, Combine Them, Then Transplant That Into Your Head…  THAT’S What It’s Like!”

Copy Cheats Is Built On 2 Powerful Concepts I’m Going To Reveal Below, But A Warning: It’s Unlike Anything You’ve Seen Before In The World Of Copywriting…

Important: Please watch this short video first

“Absolutely everything is covered…I love this product”

“I’ve read dozens of books on writing copy, and have even trained under one of the best copywriters around. Even with all of that, I’m pretty darn lazy about writing my own copy. Copy Cheats is going to end that! I now have a document that summarizes every aspect of copy, gives me true “cheats” and swipes to ensure I can still write copy quickly, but make it phenomenally better because it is all boiled down to concise, actionable points. Absolutely everything is covered…I love this product”

Jenn Dize

From: Dennis Becker

If you’d like to make a lot of money very quickly, this is going to be the most exciting message you will ever read. But first, let me confess to you about a fear that I used to have, but have gotten over. Maybe you can relate. It has to do with the whole concept of being self employed and not having to work for someone else…

What would happen if, after you built up your business, it all came crashing down on top of you? It could happen. It’s happened to the best, the brightest, the richest, even Donald Trump, who’s gone through bankruptcy several times.

What if it happened to you or me?

If I lost everything, every penny in every bank account, in my PayPal account, and all the available balance in my credit cards were gone …

… and if all my web sites were hacked beyond recovery, my email lists were turned to dust and unrecoverable …

… and if I had no choice but to rely on one skill, and one skill alone, in order to survive and recover what I had lost … that skill would be …

The ability to almost magically transform ideas and concepts into powerful written words, words full of imagery that touch every sense of a person’s being, words that so eloquently describe a product, whatever that product may be, suchthat the reader is able to make an instant decision to make a purchase.

That, my friend is what a skilled copywriter does on a daily basis. You see, selling in person is one thing. When you stroll into a clothing store looking for a suit, you can see it, feel it, try it on, inspect the workmanship, and determine the quality and how it looks on you. Though there may be a sales clerk to assist you, all he or she needs to do is point you towards the rack, and your senses take over.

Online is different…

Online purchasing, which is becoming more and more common, is challenging. The customer desires convenience, and often the ability to be left alone to make his or her own decision, but in the end he also needs the sensory stimulation to determine if a product is right for him. This is where the copywriter comes in.

A skilled copywriter paints a picture with words. Sure, there are images on the page, but the images are devoid of character in and of themselves, they need to be described fully and completely, allowing the reader to make a confident decision, one way or the other.

Yes, it’s almost like magic, the transformation of a product’s features and benefits into words, and that’s why a good copywriter is so highly paid. Whether he’s writing a sales letter for his own product, one or more in a series of email followups, or hiring himself out for others, the ability to ability to convince lookers into buyers is like the ability to turn coal into diamonds.

Wouldn’t it be great to have a shortcut you could take to develop this magical skill?

Until now, developing this magical skill, and taking it to the ultimate level, was only for a favored few, who were willing to spend years and tens of thousands of dollars in learning the craft. You know many of the names: Bob Bly, John Carlton, Joe Vitale, David Garfinkel, Joe Sugarman, Carl Galletti, Paul Myers, Bob Serling, Michael Masterson, Michel Fortin, Gary Halbert, Claude Hopkins, David Ogilvy, Drayton Bird … and the list goes on and on, but actually …

Though the people on that list are tremendously accomplished, famous, highly paid, and made the firms they wrote for (and themselves) many millions of dollars, the skills it took them many years to develop can be learned by anyone. Even you and me. In a much shorter time than ever before.

You see, putting words on paper is simple. Putting words on paper that will cause a reader to reach for their credit card is also simple. Not necessarily easy, but still simple, and this is what I mean by that …

A perfect sales letter simply answers a few questions. Why should I (the customer) read the information in front of me? What will this product do for me? How can I be sure it’s what I want? What if I don’t like it? What have others said about it? What do I do next?

To learn how to write copy that pulls, you can study any of hundreds of different “definitive” guides to the subject, but truth be told, there is no definitive guide. There are too many variables, too many products, too many consumers with too many different tastes.

So I’ve always thought, a good copywriter never stops learning, studying, testing, tweaking, and perhaps above all: swiping. Swiping is the art of using a piece of copy that has been proven to perform previously, and recrafting it to fit your own particular project you’re currently working on.

With that in mind, Copy Cheats was born.

Copy Cheats takes hundreds, even thousands, of pages of copywriting theory and experience, from some of the best masters of the craft that have ever lived, and condenses is down to, are you ready for this? …

The Ultimate Copywriting Course… On a Single Page!

Yes, you can (and should) read and study other copywriting books or courses, but at the end of the day, after you’ve read your pile of books, and it comes time to write that next piece of copy, what you have at your disposal is a pile of books, and what you have committed to memory, in your head.

So really, most of the thousands of pages of those books are doing you absolutely no good at all, are they?

This is where Copy Cheats rises head and shoulders above any and every other book or course out there, and why it can assist you in mastering the art of copywriting in a fraction of the time it took those highly paid legends that I mentioned above.

As you probably know, you really have to wrap your head around the many elements of copywriting if you’re going to be successful. Things like:

  • Grabbing and holding someone’s attention
  • Discovering and tapping into the core emotions that will drive your reader to take action right way!
  • Using words skillfully to connect with your reader on an emotional level
  • The subtle use of psychological triggers
  • Getting into the head of your prospect – understanding the things keeping them awake at night
  • Doing thorough research
  • Understanding design, and how it makes your copy stand out, easier to read, and easily scannable
  • And…you get the point…

Bottom line: To become a great copywriter, to get to the point where writing great copy is almost second-nature to you, there’s a lot to learn and remember. A lot!

It would be very easy to become overwhelmed at all the tips, techniques, and ideas that come from dozens of different sources over the course of time IF there wasn’t a way to capture these copywriting gems and organize them into something useful.

It stinks to invest so much of your valuable time and money trying to learn something only to realize that less than 10% of what you’ve learned has actually stuck with you! The rest is stuck on the bookshelf. You know you read something sometime, where the heck is it when you want to write the perfect headline, the perfect guarantee, the perfect list of benefits?

Yes, you can buy book after book, and take expensive course after expensive course, but how long does that knowledge stick? The key still you need, at the end of the day, is:

‘How do you burn all this copywriting goodness into your head, use it, and benefit from it to the point where it’s actually making an impact on your ability to churn out great copy as quickly as possible?’

After all, that IS the point of all the time and energy you’re spending learning, right?

Well, I have the answer, I’ve spent over six months building it, and I call it… Copy Cheats.

In a second, I’m going to share with you what Copy Cheats is all about, and explain in detail why it’s an incredible tool for any copywriter, but before I do, let’s look at the key ingredient that makes it different than all the other copywriting training tools out there…

Want To Become A Great Copywriter? You Don’t Need More Information – You Need…

What MORE do you think it will take to make you a GREAT copywriter?

  • More books?
  • More DVD’s?
  • More seminars?
  • More blogs?
  • More articles?
  • More copywriting sites?

Do you really think what’s holding you back is that you just don’t have access to everything you need to become a great copywriter, OR could it be that you have everything you need, but you’re simply wasting most of its potential?!?

Seriously, Ask Yourself…

  • ‘Do I have pages and pages of unused (a.k.a. useless) notes from attending expensive seminars?’Are you getting much value from all those messy, jumbled notes that you spent a fortune to get?Are they sitting, hidden away somewhere because you just don’t have the time or courage to attempt to organize them into something useful and valuable?
  • ‘Do I remember more from the last $9 Hollywood movie I watched than I do from those $997 copywriting DVD’s I watch every now and then?’Would those DVD’s you spent a considerable amount of money on serve you better a drink coasters?When you watch them (or better yet, IF you watch them), are you doing it leisurely, with a drink in hand, like watching TV, or are you actively capturing new tips and ideas that add to your overall clarity of copywriting?
  • ‘Do I collect a boatload of copywriting books, spend time reading and and occasionally underlining them, then put them back on the shelf?’OK, so you’ve read some copywriting books, and you’ve underlined some useful stuff along they way.BIG STINKIN’ DEAL!Chances are, that if I picked up one of those books and asked you to tell me just 3 points you underlined, you probably couldn’t tell me even 1!Reading and underlining are a total waste of time without some sort of resulting impact on your skills, don’t you think?
  • ‘Do I bookmark a seemingly endless collection of copywriting blogs, articles, and complete ebooks that I eventually forget about?’This is called virtual pack-ratting (or compulsive hoarding of ‘stuff’ that, in the long run, does nothing but clutter your mind and provides no real long-term benefit).How much of this virtual junk do you have stored away somewhere on you computer?Be honest with yourself!Do you have the, ‘I’ll get to it someday’ mentality, only to realize that with each passing year, your precious collection is doing nothing but growing and consuming space on your hard drive?

Isn’t this behavior all a bit insane?

The Key That’s Preventing You From Becoming A World-Class Copywriter

While reading books, going to seminars, and watching DVDs are all important, there comes a point in time where you need to stop collecting and consuming, and instead bring all that collective knowledge together into something organized and useful – something that gives you a trait that all great copywriters have.

I’m talking about…


This is the ability to see and understand copywriting from a totally unique perspective, where you not only clearly see how all the elements of writing copy fit together, but how to use them like a master to generate profit-pulling copy.

Do you have clarity when it comes to your copywriting?

If you don’t yet, and you think that filling your head with more stuff (books, DVDs, seminars) is the answer, then you need to take to heart this important statement:

Quality learning is WAY more effective than quantity learning.”

This is the main reason why Copy Cheats was created.

Now, in addition to understanding the importance of crystal clarity when it comes to mastering copywriting, you need to know something else…


“With your Copy Cheats mindmap I can very quickly sort through swipe material to access examples.”

I struggle with any reading material and welcome anything that helps me absorb topics without pain.

This resource will be most helpful when writing sales copy quicker and more effectively. Inside it is a good collection of swipe material. It is a sweet memory jogger to keep on track to help ensure that the proper copy elements are included in sales letters.

I have an extensive collection of books on copywriting but, trying to remember which book had which idea I want to reference is near impossible. With your CopyCheats mindmap I can very quickly sort through swipe material to access examples.

I’ve seen mindmaps done on other subjects that were not very appealing. Those were just not coordinated in a useful manner. Your’s is laid out in a more thoughtful outline. Your’s is pretty good and will be a favored reference in my tool kit.

John Kane

A Simple Discovery I Made That Will Save You Time And Help You Learn Copywriting Faster Than Ever Before

Tell me if this isn’t true about most copywriting ‘gurus’:

Each one has a ‘unique system’, ‘closely guarded secrets’, and a -fill in the blank- awesome thing that no one else does.

If you’re exposed to these kinds of messages long enough, you’ll be led to believe that everysingle copywriting system or book out there is overflowing with nothing but 100% original, unique, and never heard-of material that you’ll get nowhere else.

Just the thought of that is enough to make any up-and-coming copywriter’s heart palpitate with anxiety – isn’t it a bit overwhelming to think that the huge box of books and DVDs you just spent a month’s salary on is nothing more than a ‘drop in the bucket’ to all that’s out there to learn?

There was a time when I believed this myself, and I didn’t like feeling that no matter how hard I tried, no matter how much I learned, my knowledge and expertise about copywriting were always going to be vastly incomplete.

But I discovered something totally unexpectedly while I was putting Copy Cheats together that changed my mind completely!

Something I want to share with you that you may find hard to believe, but something I’m sureyou WANT to know.

The Breakthrough!

You see, when you spend 100’s upon 100’s of hours learning anything, especially with the intense focus and purpose I had with copywriting, you begin seeing things in a very unique way – you see things you would have probably never noticed before…

The simple discovery I made as I was developing Copy Cheats is that, after a certain point, supposedly ‘new’, ‘secret’, ‘never-before-seen’ stuff I was learning about copywriting wasn’t really new at all – it was usually something I had already learned, just taught a different way.

In other words, I discovered there were literally dozens of different ways used to convey that a headline should capture someone’s attention, but the single lesson was the always same – headlines should capture attention.

I only needed to learn it once, not 26 times!

Admittedly, this happened only on a rare occasion at first, but as I continued devouring knowledge and adding it to the brain, this redundancy factor became more and more obvious, much more common, and quite frankly, a lot more irritating!

Yes, irritating!


Because I was wasting a considerable amount of my valuable time and money on promises of new ideas, but what I was actually getting were old ideas ‘painted a different color’ – over and over and over again!

So, my gift to you, even if you have no interest Copy Cheats, is to realize this:

If you’ve been studying copywriting for even a little while, you’ve likely been exposed to 80% to 90% of the most important ideas, concepts, tips, and techniques you need for becoming a world-class copywriter.

As a matter of fact, I’d go as far to say that nearly everything you really need to know could fit nicely into a single well-written 150-200 page book, if that!

It’s not brain surgery. :)

So don’t sweat the fact that there seems to be an endless selection of copywriting training tools out there – at their core, most of them are largely the same!

The bottom line is that, to become a great copywriter, you don’t need another book or DVD, no matter how ‘cutting-edge’ it is, what you need is a clearer understanding of what you’ve already been exposed to. In other words, you need to be able to pull what you’ve already learned off the shelf, and onto the piece of paper, or onto the computer screen in front of you. So that’s what let to …

The Birth Of Copy Cheats…

So, now you know these 2 truths:

  1. You Need Clarity – To get REALLY good at copywriting, having greater clarity about what you already know is more important than consuming more information.
  2. There’s Not Much To Get Clear About – When it comes to the topic copywriting, when you weed out the redundancy, fluff, and other ‘extras’ you find in various copywriting courses, there’s not nearly as much to learn as you’ve been led to believe.

The last thing that’s needed is a tool that is built around bringing these two truths together.

In other words, a tool that presents the best collection of masterful copywritng tips, techniques, and other concepts, in a way that’s so clear, that reviewing it virtually ‘burns’ the mindset of a great copywriter into you head!

Introducing Copy Cheats

(What you see here is just a small portion of the entire map)

Copy Cheats is the BEST ‘burn-it-into-your-brain’ copywriting learning tool you’ve ever seen!

Unlike most tools and programs that just sink you deep into overwhelm with pages and pages or hours and hours of content, Copy Cheats is a clear, consise, and tremendously powerfulone-page document.

Yes, it’s a one-page document – and while it may seem counter-intuitive, this simplicity is actually what makes Copy Cheats so spine-tingling brilliant!

Here’s why…

Copy Cheats is what is known as a mind map. At first, that might take some getting used to. But remember, this is cutting edge technology that we’re after, not same ol’ same ol’.

If you’re not familiar with mind mapping, it’s simply a unique, but incredibly effective way of collecting, organizing, and presenting information.

Instead of information being organized and presented in ‘stacks’, one on top of another (like lines in a paragraph and paragraphs on pages), information in a mind map radiates and flows outward, from a central point.

This is a similar structure to what you see in virtually everything in nature – including branches that flow out from tree trunks, pedals that flow out from the center of flowers, spiral arms that flow from the center of galaxies, and even the nerves that flow out from your central nervous system!

The benefits of mind mapping are virtually limitless, but there’s an overriding theme to using it:

It provides crystal-clarity about a topic…in this case, copywriting.

It does this two main ways: In a single glance you not only achieve a ‘bird’s-eye’ view of the information as a whole, but you easily see how all the various pieces of the topic fit together with one another.

To help you appreciate effectiveness of this approach compared to what you get from other sources, look at the following graphic, which demonstrates the difference in clarity between linear learning systems (built on ‘stacking’ information) and the structure used in mind mapping:

See It In Action:

Watch This Video For A Look Inside ‘Copy Cheats’

Click the Play button to view a live demo…

“Just this section would have saved me many frustrating hours of trying to put together a decent sales letter …”

This is an excellent product that anyone interested in learning not only how to write copy but also how to get paid to write copy will definitely want to have.

This is a resource that really has everything you need from learning how to profile and research your market to writing the copy to finding copywriting clients.

I have spent a considerable amount of time and money on courses and products to learn how to write copy. And there is nothing that I learnt in those courses that isn’’t covered here in “CopyCheats”. The Copy Elements is outstanding. Running you through a top to bottom approach to writing your sales copy every element is covered in detail from the Headline to the Disclaimer. Just this section would have saved me many frustrating hours of trying to put together a decent sales letter and knowing exactly where to put things and why.

Also exceptional is the inclusion of many of the elements from the “Gary Halbert Swipe File” in the swipe file section. I paid for this course in full and it is some of the best copywriting money I have spent and here is a very large portion of it included here. Whatever “CopyCheats” ends up selling for, this section alone makes the investment a no brainer.

I was also very impressed with “The Business” section. This section covers a lot of the business details you will need to know if you want to start up a copywriting business. Here is a plan that not only shows you how to market your business and find clients but also shows you how to constantly improve your writing skills. What you are learning in this section alone could very easily be turned into a high priced coaching program. And here it is all neatly laid out for you.

All in all “CopyCheats” is a great resource for any copywriter. If you are looking for an everything in one place system to help you write and sell copy this really fits the bill.

Glenn Turner

What Other Copywriting Tools Offer You This?

A Combination Of The Greatest Copywriting Minds In A Single Source – Copy Cheats combines the best ideas from the best copywriters on the planet into a sort of copywriting ‘super-brain’ – with redundant ideas removed and non-essential fluff eliminated!

Instantly See The BIG Picture – Copy Cheats instantly gives you a full ‘birds-eye’ overview on the overall art of copywriting at a single glance – experiencing it for the first time is like consuming a gushing firehose of knowledge and understanding!

Burn It Into Your Brain – Copy Cheats not only contains valuable information, but it wraps it around a logical structure, colors, and graphics (proven memory aids) to burn all that copywriting goodness into your brain.

Quickly See How All The Pieces Fit Together – Because of the unique structure and layout of Copy Cheats, you see how all the elements of great copywriting fit together, like connecting pieces of a puzzle to create a clear, overall picture – it just makes sense.

Get Lightning Fast Answers – Hop from one copywriting concept to the next lightning fast. No more having to waste time searching or endlessly scrolling/flipping through pages of content looking for what you want to know. Glance-Click-Learn — Simple!

Experience The Power Of Pure Simplicity – Instead of overwhelming you with tons of lengthy, drawn-out, fluff-filled information, Copy Cheats taps into the power of simplicity with clear, concise, and organized content. Less quantity, MORE QUALITY!

It’s The Catalyst For Reinforcing Your Copywriting Chops – Because of the memorable nature of Copy Cheats, each time you’re exposed to ideas, those ideas and related ones are reinforced in your mind, making them even more useable to you in the future.

Swipe Files At Your Fingertips – I mentioned the power of swipe filess — proven headlines, openers, bullet points, guarantees, etc. Included are many swipe files, pull up one that you like, change a few words, you instantly have the basis for your own copy.

It’s Growing And Expanding – Copy Cheats is built to be easily added onto and expanded with more tips, techniques and ideas that users submit to me. As the brain gets better and smarter, you, as a customer, get these updates for FREE!

Of course, I could go on and list dozens more bullet points about all the specific copywriting knowledge contained in the brain, but in the spirit of simplicity, I think it can best be said by stating nothing more than:

It’s in there!

Want The Brain Of A World-Class Copywriter?

Copy Cheats is NOT the typical product developed over the weekend, containing nothing more than several dozen pages of plain, boring text with some font styling thrown in every once and a while!

Not even close…

It’s a unique, high-quality copywriting learning tool born from:

  • More than 6 months of focused, purposeful study of the art of copywriting
  • $1000’s spent on copywriting books, DVDs, courses, and seminars
  • Dozens upon dozens of hours capturing, editing, and organizing information
  • Dozens of hours creating/finding, and editing images
  • Several hours formatting

In other words, a lot of blood, sweat, and tears. :)

I sometimes think I may be one of the few people on this planet crazy enough to take on a project like this.

But that’s OK, because I SET OUT to do something different, something ground-breaking, and most importantly, something that will get YOU results the 1st time you use it!

Let’s get clear on this: copywriting is, hands-down, one of the most important skills you can learn and master, right?

It’s what motivates people to take the action(s) you want them to take, in most cases that means paying you money.

With Copy Cheats, you have a tool that’s sole purpose is to impress a master copywriter’s mindset into your brain in the least amount of time!

You could possibly get similar results by spending a lot more of your valuable time, and a small fortune on more and more books, courses, DVDs, and seminars.

But, if you think that’s insane (it is), and if you’re convinced that QUALITY learning is more important than quantity learning, then I’m happy to offer Copy Cheats to all of you Product Drop members!

I’m also considering creating mindmap based formats for other topics, and I’ll be evaluating whether to move forward on some of these ideas based on the positive response I get for Copy Cheats.

So, my thinking on the matter is the more people who grab it, use it, and experience results due to offering it here on Product Drop, the more feedback I’ll have to make a decision about these other projects.

So, join now and get your hands on Copy Cheats!


FREE Lifetime Upgrades

Not much else needs to be said about this.

Join today, be sure to join our email list for updates, and anytime in the future when I update Copy Cheats, you’ll get the update for free! I plan on adding to Copy Cheats and enhancing it on a continual basis.

So, what are you waiting for? Click on the “JOIN NOW!” button below and get your hands on Copy Cheats today!


I’m happy to make The Copy Cheats AND bonuses
available on both the Windows and Mac platforms.

Wishing you all the best success,

Dennis Becker

P.S. You’ll not find another copywriting learning tool out there like Copy Cheats. It represents more than 6 months of focused reading, collecting and organizing the BEST copywriting tips, techniques, and concepts into a simple, unique, and memorable learning tool that will totallytransform your ability to write compelling, emotional copy!

P.P.S. Remember, in addition to Copy Cheats, you’ll receive lifetime updates to Copy Cheats.

P.P.P.S. Here’s a simple challenge for you (something you’ll find to be an eye-opening experience): Review the content inside Copy Cheats regularly for a month (this is easy to do) – get familiar with it. After that, as you consume other copywriting training materials, see for yourself if what’s being brought out isn’t already in the ‘brain’. You’ll quickly learn to quit wasting time constantly going over stuff you already know. Try it!

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