Content Marketing Blueprint

by admin on July 12, 2018

Content Marketing Blueprint – How To Create A Successful Content Marketing Strategy is a 32 page, 6000+ word report.

This report covers what content marketing is and how it can benefit your business. By answering 5 simple groups of questions, you create the bones of your content marketing strategy.

It also goes over some proven resources and tools that make understanding content marketing and implementing it much easier, no matter what business you are in or what you are trying to accomplish.

Chapter List:

  • Introduction
  • What Is Content Marketing?
  • 9 Ways Content Marketing Can Help Your Company
  • Building Your Content Marketing Blueprint
  • Who are the Individuals That Make up Your Ideal Audience?
  • What Is Your Content Marketing Mission Statement?
  • What Specific Goals Are You Trying to Accomplish with Your Content?
  • What Content Are You Going to Use, and How Will You Create and Publish It?
  • What Are Your Results and What Changes Do You Need to Make to Your Blueprint?
  • Valuable Content Marketing Tools and Resources
  • 10 Best Practices for Creating a Successful Content Marketing Blueprint
  • Conclusion
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