Brain Beats

by admin on November 26, 2012

Peak Energy, Creativity & Focus
In Just Minutes, Guaranteed!


Dear Friend,

I have 5 “mind programs” for you that will change your life.

Here’s all you have to do:

1. Select any one of the five at random.

2. Load them into your Ipod, mp3 player, CD player or any audio device.

3. Put on a pair of headphones.

4. Listen.

The Result?

You’ll hit your “energy peak”.

You’ll open up the “creative storehouse” of your mind, so hundreds of great ideas will just come to you.
You’ll have “singular focus” on any task that needs completed ASAP. Your mind will be more alert and sharper, so it will retain and use information better.

And you’ll be in a state of complete relaxation, so stress will no longer be an issue.

Best of all, you can enjoy these benefits for only seven measly bucks! (for a limited time.)

How Are All These Benefits
Possible In Mere Minutes?

Believe it or not, you don’t have one mind — you have two.

You have a conscious mind and an unconscious mind. Your conscious mind can only process about seven bits of information at once. But your unconscious mind can process much more.

For example: currently your heart is beating, your eyes are blinking, you’re breathing, and at any given time your moving several parts of your body. That’s all being run by your unconscious mind. And those are just some of the few things your unconscious mind can do at once.

Try this: What’s five times five? Did you instantly know it was 25? That’s an unconscious process. You didn’t have to count on your fingers. You just knew it.

Walking alone requires about 60-70 simultaneous actions. But you don’t have to think about any of them. That’s the power of the unconscious mind. Once you make a skill unconscious, it happens automatically!

And when it comes to changing habits and mental states, you have two options: You can try to do it consciously… or you can…

“Install It” Directly Into
Your Unconscious Mind!

It all deals with using a certain “mind technology”. When you put this technology to work for you, you can trigger:

A State of Peak Productivity

A State of Flowing Creativity

A State of Laser Sharp Focus

A State of “Mental Refreshment”

And more!

How to Experience
Instant “Unconscious Change”

When you sleep, your brain goes through different phases… each with their own special wave lengths.

Each phase has its own goal: one phase works on cellular growth and regeneration. Another on memory integration and data assimilation. Another on relaxation and refreshment, and so on.

Science has recently proven that, with the right “outside signal” you can attune a person’s brain waves to achieve a special result.

For example, brain waves are at a certain frequency when you are in deep relaxation. So if you want to relax, simply “attune” your current brain waves to those same frequencies, using an outside signal that goes directly to your unconscious mind.

The best way to do this is by sending “sound waves” through an audio program. Special audios are created that emit signals at different frequencies, which “reprogram” your mind just the way you want it.

And it works in just minutes!

I Have Five Special Audio Programs
For You That Do Just That!

#1 – Mind Rise Audio

This audio will take you from sleep to a new energy peak you never thought possible.

It’s been proven that just a few minutes of unassisted meditation is worth 3 hours of sleep. So how much do you think that this audio alone can do for you?


#2 – Creativity Boost Audio

This audio will help you generate more ideas because it attunes your brain waves so that you look at situations from a variety of different angles, thus resulting in new perspectives… which lead to new ideas.

A single good idea can be worth a mountain of gold. How about a never-ending stream of them?

#3 – Laser Focus Audio

Just run this program in the background as you go about your work. It will instantly allow you to focus on what matters NOW.

This audio will make you 2 to 3 times more productive while cutting your job stress in half!

#4 – Instant Memory Audio

Study any topic with this 60 minutes sound aid, and enjoy the benefits of deeper understanding, better retention and automatic assimilation in your long-term and reflexive memory.

This means that any information you put into your brain will now be much more valuable!

#5 – Mental Refresher Audio

This is my favorite, a short program that is perfect to use when your need a break, or are experiencing a lot of stress.

The mind needs to “reset” itself every once in a while so you can stay mentally alert. With this audio program, you can do it automatically! Try this one instead of coffee or sugar snacks, and see what a difference it makes!

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